
Vite template for React + TypeScript + Redux-toolkit / RTK Query.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

vite-rtk-query Typecheck Test Build Lint Depfu

Vite RTK Query temptelte.
This include React+TS with familiar pre-setup tooling
Redux Toolkit, RTK Query, eslint/prettier, Vitest/TS/react-testing-library/MSW, tailwindcss, GitHub Actions CI.

This is the official Vite template(npm init vite@latest myapp -- --template react-ts) and some extended setup.

All npm package are keeping least release version powered by Depfu.


npx degit laststance/vite-rtk-query myapp


cd myapp
npm install
npm run validate
npm run dev

If you don't need TailwindCSS, run npm run remove:tailwind after npm install.


npm run dev             # start development server
npm run start           # start development server
npm run validate        # run test,lint,build,typecheck concurrently
npm run test            # run vitest
npm run test:watch      # run vitest watch mode
npm run lint            # run eslint
npm run lint:fix         # run eslint with --fix option
npm run typecheck       # run TypeScript compiler check
npm run build           # build production bundle to 'dist' directly
npm run prettier        # run prettier for json|yml|css|md|mdx files
npm run clean           # remove 'node_modules' 'yarn.lock' 'dist' completely
npm run serve           # launch server for production bundle in local
npm run remove:tailwind # remove TailwindCSS



Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):


💻 📖 ⚠️

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!