This repository showcases the project done for our Intro Object Oriented Programming course (COMP1161)

Primary LanguageHTML


This project is an implementation of a System for National Identification(SNID)
It involves 3 major components

  1. The SNIDDb for handling the creation and modification of files
  2. The SNIDApp for handling the creation and processing of the data
  3. The TextUI (Which will be implemented into a gui) for the front-end

How to compile

Change directories to the src folder and type the following command:

javac -d ../bin "the package name"/.java
javac -d ../bin data/
.java && javac -d ../bin app/*.java (if you want to compile the app and data package at the same time)
javac -d ../bin /.java

How to run(The SNIDApp)

In the src type the following command

java -cp ../bin app.SNIDApp