
A First Order Logic as describer for RPG quest

Primary LanguagePrologMIT LicenseMIT


A First Order Logic as describer for RPG quest

We chose the power of backtracking in prolog in order to describe quest in a rpg world. You can ask prolog to solve a quest for you and he can find the best path to solve the quest writing a story. And on this story you can create a world full of drama and passion.


You need some tools on your machine in order to run this program

install swipl
install python3
pip install yaml


you can simply run narrate.py

python3 narrate.py -i "save(3,princess)"

some possible quest are the following:

  • cure(5,king).
  • cure(5,child).
  • cure(5,princess).
  • found(5,treasure).
  • destroy(5,rareitem).
  • found(5,rareitem).
  • be(5,king).
  • rescue(5,princess).
  • found(5,love).
  • save(5,child).
  • save(5,king).
  • save(5,princess).
  • create(5,rareitem).
  • escape(5,hero,dungeon).
  • awake(5,monster).
  • awkake(5,god).
  • awake(5,_).
  • revolte(5,slave,monster).

number 5 represent the deepest level in the graph, by now prolog return only the first possible solution of the quest (boring) but in future it can find all the possible quest.