
Feature Request: Tell me what sensor Klipper got its knickers in a bunch about

lukeslaboratory opened this issue · 1 comments

Has this ever happened to you?

"MCU 'mcu' shutdown: ADC out of range"

Well WHAT ADC???? You ask

Klipper says "ADC OUT OF RANGE"

So you go to the logs - sometimes, you can actually see the ADC that had the issue

Sometimes, its not captured, so you are just sitting there going "well wtf am i supposed to do now?"

Enter this feature request:

Please have klipper tell us what ADC it freaked out about so I can troubleshoot better without having to dig into the logs and the exact error.

As a bonus, have it tell us what the actual temperature it saw and what it thinks the limit is

Thank you.

This will require an mcu firmware update, as the "ADC out of range" message is generated by that part of the firmware:

try_shutdown("ADC out of range");