Memecoin-v2.4.0.0 Beta Release
Added block browser
Added checkpoints
Wallet logo
Various fixes
New Default theme
Swap-able themes
Updated build guide for windows
Memecoin-v2.3.0.0 Beta Release
Fork at block 1050000 to adjust diff per block
Fork on Feb 1, 2015 to kick older clients.
What is Memecoin [MEM]?
Memecoin is an alternate virtual cryptocurrency made for users to share, mine and trade.
How many Memecoins are there?
Approx 200 million Memecoins will be created
100m coins made first year
50m coins made second year
25m coins made third year continuing down in 1/2 subsidies yearly
Block Rewards-
1-2 Premine Bounties
3 -5000 @ 500 Coins Per Block
5000-10000 @ 250 Coins Per Block
10000 100 @ Coins Per Block
Block times are targeted at 30 seconds with difficulty increasing every 600 blocks (5Hrs). Confirms every 6 blocks.
Windows users. Download and extract the files to C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Roaming\memecoin
Create a config file by right clicking in the new folder, select text document and type the following
Click save as, change the format down the bottom from .txt to all files, name the file memecoin.conf and save. Start the memecoin-qt client