This package provides a Julia client for QuestDB, a high-performance time-series database.
The package can be installed using the Julia package manager:
] add QuestDB
using Pkg
The package provides a high-level API for interacting with QuestDB. The API is designed to be as simple as possible, while still providing the functionality required to work with time-series data. The package also provides a low-level API for interacting with the C library directly.
The following examples show how to use the package to interact with QuestDB. For more examples, see the examples directory.
using .QuestDB
using Dates
auth = (
"testUser1", # kid
"5UjEMuA0Pj5pjK8a-fa24dyIf-Es5mYny3oE_Wmus48", # d
"fLKYEaoEb9lrn3nkwLDA-M_xnuFOdSt9y0Z7_vWSHLU", # x
"Dt5tbS1dEDMSYfym3fgMv0B99szno-dFc1rYF9t0aac" # y
sender = Sender("localhost", 9009, auth)
sender.symbol("first_symbol", "first_symbol")
sender.column("column_a", "value_a")
sender.column("column_b_int", 1)
sender.column("column_c_float", 1.1)
sender.column("column_d_bool", true)
sender.column("timestamp_column", Dates.Microsecond(1674983677000000))
catch e
The documentation for the package can be found here. The documentation is automatically generated using Documenter.jl.
If you need help, have additional questions or want to provide feedback, you may find us on Slack.
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The code is released under the Apache License 2.0.