
Simple nodejs api project of a english school

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Node with Express

🚧 Project under construction 🚧

This project is a example of an API for a English school. The database schema is shown below:


Technologies used:

  • NodeJs
  • Express
  • Sequelize
  • MySql

Initializing the project

  1. Install dependencies
npm install
  1. Run server in server's folder:
npm start


1. People

1.1. Get all people

Method Route Description BODY PARAMS QUERY PARAMS
GET /people Return a list of all people - -


1.2. Store

Method Route Description BODY PARAMS QUERY PARAMS
POST /people Store a person
"name": "Pedro",
"active": true,
"email": "testando@teste.com.br",
"role": "aluno"
1.2.1. Fields
Name Type Description
name string required
active boolean required
email string required
role string required


1.3 Get a person

Method Route Description BODY PARAMS QUERY PARAMS
GET /person/{id} Return a person's information by id - -


1.4 Update a person

Method Route Description BODY PARAMS QUERY PARAMS
PUT /person/{id} Update a person's information by id
"name": "Pedro",
"active": true,
"email": "testando@teste.com.br",
"role": "aluno"
1.4.1 Fields
Name Type Description
name string required
active boolean required
email string required
role string required


1.5 Delete a person

Method Route Description BODY PARAMS QUERY PARAMS
DELETE /people/{id} Delete a person by id - -


2. Levels

2.1. Get all levels

Method Route Description BODY PARAMS QUERY PARAMS
GET /levels Return a list of all levels - -


2.2. Store

Method Route Description BODY PARAMS QUERY PARAMS
POST /levels Store a level
"description": "basic"
2.2.1. Fields
Name Type Description
description string required


2.3 Get a level

Method Route Description BODY PARAMS QUERY PARAMS
GET /levels/{id} Return the level's information by id - -


2.4 Update a level

Method Route Description BODY PARAMS QUERY PARAMS
PUT /levels/{id} Update the levels's information by id
"description": "master"
2.4.1 Fields
Name Type Description
description string required


2.5 Delete a level

Method Route Description BODY PARAMS QUERY PARAMS
DELETE /levels/{id} Delete a level by id - -


3. Classes

3.1. Get all classes

Method Route Description BODY PARAMS QUERY PARAMS
GET /classes Return a list of all classes - -


3.2. Store

Method Route Description BODY PARAMS QUERY PARAMS
POST /classes Store a class
"start_date": "2023-07-01",
"teacher_id": 6,
"level_id": 1
3.2.1. Fields
Name Type Description
start_date string "Y-m-d" required
teacher_id integer required
level_id integer required


3.3 Get a class

Method Route Description BODY PARAMS QUERY PARAMS
GET /classes/{id} Return the class's information by id - -


3.4 Update a class

Method Route Description BODY PARAMS QUERY PARAMS
PUT /classes/{id} Update the levels's information by id
"start_date": "2023-07-01",
"teacher_id": 6,
"level_id": 1
3.4.1 Fields
Name Type Description
start_date string "Y-m-d" required
teacher_id integer required
level_id integer required


3.5 Delete a class

Method Route Description BODY PARAMS QUERY PARAMS
DELETE /classes/{id} Delete a class by id - -


4. Enrollments

4.1. Get a enrollment of a person

Method Route Description BODY PARAMS QUERY PARAMS
GET /people/{person_id}/enrollments/{enrollment_id} Return the enrollment's information of a person - -


4.2. Store

Method Route Description BODY PARAMS QUERY PARAMS
POST /{person_id}/enrollments Store a enrollment for a person
"status" : "confirmed"
,"class_id": 4
4.2.1. Fields
Name Type Description
status string required
class_id integer required


4.3 Update a enrollment of a person

Method Route Description BODY PARAMS QUERY PARAMS
PUT /{person_id}/enrollments/{enrollment_id} Update the enrollment's information of a person by id
"status" : "confirmed"
,"class_id": 4
4.3.1 Fields
Name Type Description
status string required
class_id integer required


4.4 Delete a enrollment of a person

Method Route Description BODY PARAMS QUERY PARAMS
DELETE /{person_id}/enrollments/{enrollment_id} Delete a enrollment of a person by id - -


Getting started with Node.js

npm init -y




Installing Nodemon Library

npm install nodemon -D


Installing Mysql

npm install mysql2

Installing ORM

npm install sequelize sequelize-cli path
npx sequelize-cli init

Creating file .sequelizerc


Creating models

npx sequelize-cli model:generate --name People --attributes name:string,active:boolean,email:string,role:string

Running migrations

npx sequelize-cli db:migrate

Creating migration to add a colunm

npx sequelize-cli migration:create --name modify_users_add_new_fields

Creating seeds

npx sequelize-cli seed:generate --name people

Running all seeds

npx sequelize-cli db:seed:all

Creating a default scope

In People's Model:

defaultScope: {
      where: {
        active: true,

Especific scopes

scopes: {
      all: {
        where: {}


In the model:

    name: DataTypes.STRING,
    active: DataTypes.BOOLEAN,
    email: {
      type: DataTypes.STRING,
      validate: {
        isEmail: {
          args: true,
          msg: 'Invalid E-mail'
    role: DataTypes.STRING
    name: {
      type: DataTypes.STRING,
      validate: {
        validateFunction: function(data) {
          if (data.length < 3) throw new Error('Name must have more than 3 characters.')