sqlplus.vim : Execute SQL queries and commands from within VIM (using Oracle's SQL*Plus)
#created by Jamis Buck Dani Rey
#script type utility
#description This file contains routines that may be used to execute SQL queries and describe tables from within VIM. It depends on SQL*Plus. You must have $ORACLE_HOME $ORACLE_SID set in your environment, although you can explicitly set the database name to use with the :DB command.
##In command mode: : execute the whole script without applying any changes to it : execute the SELECT query under your cursor. The query must begin with the "select" keyword and end with a ";" : prompt for an SQL command/query to execute. : treat the identifier under the cursor as a table name, and do a 'describe' on it. : prompt for a table to describe. sb: open an empty buffer in a new window to enter SQL commands in ss: execute the (one-line) query on the current line se: execute the query under the cursor (as ) st: describe the table under the cursor (as ) sc: open the user's common SQL buffer (g:sqlplus_common_buffer) in a new window.
:Select <...> -- execute the given Select query. :Update <...> -- execute the given Update command. :Delete <...> -- execute the given Delete command :DB -- set the database name to :SQL <...> -- open a blank SQL buffer in a new window, or if a filename is specified, open the given file in a new window.
##In visual mode: : execute the selected query
If queries contain bind variables, you will be prompted to give a value for each one. if the value is a string, you must explicitly put quotes around it. If the query contains an INTO clause, it is removed before executing.
You will be prompted for your user-name, password and tnsname the first time you access one of these functions during a session. After that, your user-id and password will be remembered until the session ends.
The results of the query/command are displayed in a separate window.
You can specify the values of the following global variables in your .vimrc file, to alter the behavior of this plugin:
g:sqlplus_userid -- the user-id to log in to the database as. If this is specified, g:sqlplus_passwd must be given as well, which is the password to use. Default: "" g:sqlplus_path -- the path the the SQLPlus executable, including any command line options. Default: $ORACLE_HOME . "/bin/sqlplus -s" g:sqlplus_common_commands -- any SQLPlus commands that should be executed every time SQL*Plus is invoked. Default: "set pagesize 10000\nset wrap off\nset linesize 9999\n" g:sqlplus_common_buffer -- the name of a file that will contain common SQL queries and expressions, that may be opened via the sc command. g:sqlplus_db -- the name of the database to connect to. This variable may also be modified via the :DB command.
All the honor goes to Jamis Buck "http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=261"; who wrote the first version "http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=97"; of this script. Unfortunately I can not maintain his original script, so I had to fork it.
#install details Copy the sqlplus.vim script to your $HOME/.vim/plugin directory to install it for your user or copy it into $VIM_INSTALLATION_PATH/plugin to install it for all users on this server. Make sure you have set ORACLE_HOME in your environment, to point to the root of your oracle installation. (ie, $ORACLE_HOME/bin should contain sqlplus).