Story Telling with Data

Notes by Daniel Carpenter Nov-23

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Principles of Storytelling

  1. Influence over Creativity: Focus on influence rather than on creativity or design quality.
  2. Story Precedes Evidence: Establish the story before presenting evidence.
  3. Project Outline First: Start with an outline of ideas.

Developing a Narrative Structure in Design

Single Story Focus: Maintain emphasis on one story throughout the message.

Story Structures

Stage Description
Setup Introduce characters and context, outline goals and the story’s importance.
Conflict Identify and capture the conflict using various sources like data anomalies and briefs.
Resolution Detail the decision and resolution of the story.

Effective Methods of Storytelling

Type Description
Deductive Start with a hypothetical answer, establish a point of view, then observe.
Tree Method Begin with a hypothesis, support with reasons, and back with evidence.
SCQA Framework Structure storytelling using Situation, Complication, Question, and Answer.

Create: Incorporating Engagement Techniques

Execute: Bringing stories to life

Embed: Going pro with data storytelling