A Javascript web-browser educational app allowing one to practice Hiragana and Katakana as flashcards with audio.
Just load the main Hiragana-Katakana.html in your own browser. I've tested it on Firefox (v41.0.2), but I've heard it doesn't work on Safari. It uses some newer HTML5. Regardless, I did my best at a minimalist interface. A few additional options allow for things like memory shuffling and convenience functions such as repeat.
I took 4 semesters of Japanese, and although the Inuit language certainly has some linguistic (especially phonetic) similarities, I doubt my accent is especially Japanese. Feel free to record your own audio if mine is insufficient; I will not be offended, haha.
Lastly, this might be useful code for those looking to learn programming. It is self contained and I'd like to think it adheres to a few coding best practices.
Thank you.