Overlook: Come Play With Us!



  • Turing's Mod 2 "Overlook" project continued to build on class-to-class interaction, and Test-Driven Development while introducing us to further fetch requests, and having us set up our own local server for our fetch requests.

Upon reaching the loading page, the user can login by typing a username and password. The username will be "customer##" with the #s being replaced by a number under 50. The password will always be overlook2021.

Upon loading the user dashboard, the user can look through their past and upcoming bookings on the left panel, as well as the total amount of money they've spent at the Overlook.

After picking a date, the user will see the available rooms. They can sort further by "room type".

Finally, when they select the button with the room price on it, the room is booked, adding it to their bookings and adding the total cost accordingly.


  • The first and most pressing future feature is to ensure that a user cannot book a room for a date that has already past.
  • I also hope to create a Manager class and a corresponding page section which would allow the user to sign in as manager, create and delete bookings for users, as well as get daily updates on the hotel rooms' statuses.


  • Javascript, HTML, CSS, SASS, Node.JS, Mocha, Chai, Webpack, Github, Git, NPM


  • Clone the repository, as well as the api repository
  • In the project repository, run npm install in your terminal
  • Run npm start in your terminal
  • cd into the api repository
  • Run npm install
  • Run npm start