
example to test if adding default interface implementation is breaking

Primary LanguageC#

Run "program" on NET6 to simulate the current state of .NET as of NET8 where IList does not implement IReadOnlyList

Running on runtime: .NET 6.0.22
Does IMutable implement IReadonly and have problematic DIM: False

Type                             readonly                        mutable
lib.MutableOnlyCollection                                        MutableOnlyCollection
lib.CustomCombined               CustomCombined readonly         CustomCombined mutable
lib.Problematic                  DIM: Overriden by library       Existing implementation

Run "program" on NET7 to simulate what happens if IList would implement IReadOnlyList using DIM (Default Interface Methods) When somebody else also use DIM to implement IReadOnlyList methods

  • program will crash (throw exception) when using the type in question
Running on runtime: .NET 7.0.11
Does IMutable implement IReadonly and have problematic DIM: True

Type                             readonly                        mutable
lib.MutableOnlyCollection        MutableOnlyCollection           MutableOnlyCollection
lib.CustomCombined               CustomCombined readonly         CustomCombined mutable
Unhandled exception. System.Runtime.AmbiguousImplementationException: Could not call method 'base.IReadOnly.get_Count()' on interface 'base.IReadOnly' with type 'lib.Problematic' from assembly 'lib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' because there are multiple incompatible interface methods overriding this method.
   at base.IReadOnly.get_Count()
   at Program.<<Main>$>g__PrintItem|0_0(IEnum item) in F:\repos\readonlycollection\program\Program.cs:line 19
   at Program.<Main>$(String[] args) in F:\repos\readonlycollection\program\Program.cs:line 14

Run "program" with proposed POC and the program will succeed with expected output

Running on runtime: .NET 9.0.0-dev
Does IMutable implement IReadonly and have problematic DIM: True

Type                             readonly                        mutable
lib.MutableOnlyCollection        MutableOnlyCollection           MutableOnlyCollection
lib.CustomCombined               CustomCombined readonly         CustomCombined mutable
lib.Problematic                  DIM: Overriden by library       Existing implementation