#Fabric scripts for Kubernetes demo

These scripts are for demonstration only, do yours own research and tests before using in production


  • 1 Organisation
  • 1 Peer
  • 1 node Ordering service
  • 1 CouchDB
  • 1 Setup container



  • chaincode: marbles chaincode
  • config: generated configuration files, like genesisblock or channel config file
  • core: core.yaml config file for the peer
  • crypto-config generated crypto material


  • generate.sh - generate crypto materials and config files
  • start.sh - start the network
  • teardown.sh - delete the network (docker volumes might need to be deleted manually)

explorer: http://localhost:8080 prometheus: http://localhost:9090 grafana: http://localhost:3000 (admin / admin) kibana: http://localhost:5601 elasctisearch: http://localhost:9200 logtash: http://localhost:9600
fluentd: http://localhost:9292 (username="admin" and password="changeme")



  • chaincode: marbles chaincode
  • config: generated configuration files, like genesisblock or channel config file
  • crypto-config generated crypto material
  • fabric: fabric kubernetes config files, like
    • configMaps.yaml: general config maps and setup script
    • CouchDB.yaml: Kubernetes couchdb file
    • Orderer.yaml: Kubernetes orderer configuration file
    • Peer.yaml: Kubernetes peer configuration file
    • persitentvolume.yaml: Persitent volume claims for the setup
    • SetupJob.yaml: creating channel, configuring anchor peer, installing chaincode


  • generate.sh - generate crypto materials and config files
  • importsecrets.sh - import certificates to
  • start.sh - install the network
  • checking if the network setup is successful look at the set result of the setupjob (like with kubectl logs )
  • teardown.sh - delete the network (some of the secrets and configs might need to be deleted manually, like with kubectl delete secret)
