Function specification and requirements: docs/FunctionalSpec.pdf
Modules for different use-cases:
- DCBM : module for digitized commercial bank money use-cases
- FX : module for forein currency exchange use-cases
- Governance : general governance module use-cases
- PvD : module for payment versus delivery use-cases
- PvP : payment versus payment use-cases
- wcCBDC : module for wholesale crossborder CBDC use-cases
- GreenFinance : Green finance use cases
To run it with hyperlegder Besu:
install Hyperlegder Besu, like with the quickstart:
git clone
cd quorum-dev-quickstart
(First install) npx quorum-dev-quickstart (n,n,n,n,n)
cd quorum-test-network
make sure that you config/genesis.json is configured and if there is access for that from the containers
to stop everything:
To configure metamask: RPC url: http://localhost:8545 ChainID: 1337
Compile and run:
- npm install
- truffle compile
- truffle migrate --network besuMNB //deploy MNB contract
- truffle migrate --network besuPBOC //deploy PBOC cotnract
start web server, like:
edit: /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
/etc/init.d/lighttpd start
/etc/init.d/lighttpd stop
(node 10 works, I got some problems with node 12)
tipps and tricks:
- deployment can time out because of poor network as well
- metamask is not alway connected, try refresh page or go to another network and switch back
- between two deployment, metamask walet should be resetted, because if not nonce will be invalid, resulting in the transactions are not going through