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Translation Notes


Do not translate and

Links with images in index page

In index.[lang].md: add the language shortcode of your translation at the end of the URLs listed in "Perspectives Videos"

Example (French translation):

- [![](img/thumbnails/keyboard.jpg)<br>Compatibilité avec le clavier]({{ "/perspective-videos/keyboard/fr" | relative_url }})

Subtitles & descriptions

  • WebVTT files are located in _perspective-videos/cc/.
  • Language subfolders are used: they gather all the WebVTT files of this resource in a specific language.
  1. In _perspective-videos/cc/, create a new folder named after the language shortcode of your translation (example: zh-hans/).
    Alternatively, you can duplicate the en/ folder, then rename it.

  2. Add the translated WebVTT files in this new folder.

  3. Use the language shortcode of your translation at the end of the basename, instead of .en used by the original files.
    Example: keyboard_ad_desc.zh-hans.vtt — Simplified Chinese translation of keyboard_ad_desc.en.vtt

  4. Edit vtt.ymllocated in _data/wai-perspective-videos/: add your language shortcode in the list of available languages for the WebVTT file(s) you have translated.
    Example consistent with step 3 — description of the audio-described version of the keyboard video translated into Simplified Chinese:

    • Add a new line containing - zh-hans to the descriptions-ad list, in the name: keyboard section.
    • Make sure to use proper indentation.
    - name: keyboard
        - en
        - en
        - fr
        - fr
        - en
        - fr
        - en
        - fr
        - zh-hans