
This project is developed in collaboration with Bliksems! and Don Diablo for the graduation exam of Mediacollege Amsterdam. The full process of the product took eight weeks to complete.

The code conventions we maintained can be examined here: https://github.com/Daniel95/Hexagonia/blob/master/Assets/Scripts/Utilities/CodeConventions.cs

All the documentation that we made in preparation and during our project can be found in our Game Design Document: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1LCwY_tD5UTdbL6cMrvkjnURjjqy5GdLo8VyAl3T-KaM

Link to the final product (APK): https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ICynooiVty_arzVA9N4COZwdkql7SZjB