
Ruby installation using RVM or Rbenv

RVM installation

\curl -sSL | bash

Install Ruby version through RVM for Intel computers

rvm install 3.1.4

Install Ruby version through RVM for silicon chip Mac

brew uninstall --ignore-dependencies openssl@3
brew reinstall openssl@1.1
rvm install 3.1.4


rvm install ruby-3.1.4 --with-openssl-dir=/opt/homebrew/opt/openssl@1.1

Use Ruby version

rvm use 3.1.4

Install Ruby with rbenv

brew install rbenv
rbenv init
echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.zshrc 
rbenv install 3.1.4
rbenv global 3.1.4
rbenv rehash

Setup postgres

brew install postgresql@14

Start PostgreSQL

brew services start postgresql@14

Setup the project

gem install bundler

For MacOS (likely M-chip), in case you run into an issue related to NSCFConstantString, run commands:

spring stop

See Reference - NSCFConstantString

Rails installation

bundle install

Setup project database

rails db:setup

Run rails migration to create the db tables

rails db:migrate

Run rails seed

rails db:seed

Start the Rails server

rails s

appsignal setup

replace APPSIGNAL_PUSH_API_KEY in appsignal.yml with your key from appsignal

push_api_key: "<%= ENV['APPSIGNAL_PUSH_API_KEY'] %>"