
Baalorlord's iconic YouTube thumbnails now available to anyone!

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Baalorlord Thumbnail Generator

Generated Thumbnail


I've been watching Baalorlord's YouTube videos for months now in an attempt at getting better at Slay the Spire. I actually am making a video series on my YouTube channel about that, that you should absolutely check out.

Outside of his immense Slay the Spire knowledge, his YouTube thumbnails stand out particularly to me. They are to the point. Contain all the relevant information. Are eye-catching. And most importantly they reflect his brand: you can easily tell a Baalorlord video thumbnail apart from other Slay the Spire thumbnails.

To celebrate Baalorlord, his YouTube channel and thumbnails, to say thank you for all the valuable information and insight I was able to get from his videos and as a fun little project to continue to engage my programming skills (I worked as a Software Engineer and Engineering Manager for many years) I created this Baalorlord Thumbnail Generator.

It takes the most important and recognizeable features of his thumbnails and packs them into an easy to use generator. By configuring just a couple of settings like which character and cards or relics to feature as well as what text and most importantly which legendary Baalorlord facial expression to display, it will automatically generate and layout a thumbnail that mimics Baalorlords iconic thumbnail style. Try it out!


Original Thumbnail

Generated Thumbmnail


Visit www.boldlyunbuffed.com/baalorlord. A preset thumbnail will render. By changing the different settings, you can adjust the rendered thumbnail.


  • Character: Select the Slay the Spire character to base the thumbnail on. You can choose between Ironclad, Silent, Defect and Watcher.
  • Baalorlord's Face: Choose whoch of Baalorlords legendary faces to render. I've added a small selection. Pull requests that add more options are welcome.
  • Elements: Elements are the game pieces that take up the majority of the thumbnails space. They can be hero cards, colorless cards or relics. Choose the type by choosing one of the radio buttons. Once you've choosen a type a dropdown menu will allow you to select the specific instance of the type. Click the little [-] button to remove an element. Add additional elements by clicking the little [+] button. There's a maximum of three elements. If you only select a single element, it automatically repeats itself multiple times to fill the available area like commonly seen on Baalorlord's thumbnails.
  • Extra Relic: The extra relic option allows you to render a relic in addition to the elements in the main area. When selecting the checkbox the text on the thumbnail will get moved over a little to make space for the additional relic. You can choose the specific instance of the relic from the dropdown menu that shows up next to the checkbox.
  • Upper Line, Lower Line: These two text input fields allow you to specify the text being shown. The text will use up as much space as it can and will compress as it becomes too long.


Right click the thumbnail and select -> "Save Image as" to save the thumbnail.


The source code of this project is available on GitHub. If you would like to support me and this project, all I ask of you is to please subscribe to my YouTube channel and watch some of my videos there. Leave a comment letting me know what you think of the Baalorlord Thumbnail Generator, if there are any improvements you would like me to see make or any other programming projects I should pickup in the future.