
Created a Turing Machine using YAML language to recognize the language 1^n 0^m 1^(n+m)


Created a Turing Machine using YAML language to recognize the language 1n0m1n+m

Template by Daniel Chahine

This Turing machine Recognizes the language L(M)={1n 0m 1n+m | n,m ≥ 1}

The Machine could be viewd using THIS LINK

The machine is split into 4 parts:


The machine start by crossing of the first 1 from the tape. If the tape doesn't start with 1, it dies and does not get accepted

    1: {write: "x", R: loop1}    


Loop are responsible for skipping some terms in the tape. When crossing off the 1's loops are needed to skip the 0's. When crossing off the 0's loops are needed to skip the crossed off characters.

    1: R
    0: {R: skip0}
    0: R
    'y': R
    1: {write: "y", L: loopback}
    1: L
    0: L
    'y': L
    'x' : {R: decider}


The decider is important as it decides when to read the 1's, read the 0's, move to the end, and accept the tape

    0: {write: "x", R: loop0}
    1: {write: "x", R: loop1}
    ' ': {R: accept}
    y: R


The accept state is just the last state the tape could rest in. It is an empty state that do have any transition coming out of it.


This is not supposed to be the perfect solution or the most efficient one, this is just my way of doing this challenge, feel free to improve my Turing Machine and play with its parameters.

Daniel Chahine