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Linux Config 💾

This is my linux config. I keep my dot files for various linux applications in here, I use this to easily setup new linux installations the way I like quickly. If you're looking at this repository there's something wrong with you, it a mess. Over time I started put in here random pieces of code I created when I was bored since it was the quickest way for me to move the code from one computer to another, yet another reason why you shouldn't be here.

vim ☕

These are my vim/neovim config. For more information about the neovim config you can check out this.

Important: For neovim to work correctly with the coc correctly, run :CocInstall coc-json coc-python coc-snippets coc-vimlsp coc-explorer coc-clangd. Also make sure to install the right version of everything (especially jedi). Run conda install -c conda-forge jedi neovim autopep8 pynvim and conda install -c anaconda pylint

WM - Window Managers ✊

I mainly use bspwm now days. My sxhkd config is in the 'bspwm' folder although it is possible to use it with i3.

To make compton run properly on arch, use compton by tryone144 instead of the package in pacman.


Some commands to run so I can setup fast.

  • Fish:
    • Install fish
    • Make fish default -> chsh -l to list all shells and then chsh -s path-to-fish to make default.
    • Install OMF -> curl -L https://get.oh-my.fish | fish
    • To show conda environment (this should be set False when using ZSH!) conda config --set changeps1 True
  • Git:
    • Cache credentials: git config credential.helper cache
    • Don't forget to copy .gitconfig to home (cp .gitconfig ~/)
  • NerdFonts: git clone https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts and run install script ./install.sh to install all fonts.
  • Markdown preview: Need to install some package for markdown-preview.nvim to work. npm i tslib neovim log4js socket.io msgpack-lite

Important: Some of the packages won't work in the stable version and you need the newer git versions. These are:

  • alacritty-git. If you don't want to use the unstable git version, you can simply remove all the vi-mode related key bindings.
  • zathura-git. Note: Don't forget to install zathura-pdf-mupdf (not git version)

Packages to install

Some packages that are needed for everything to work that I probably forgot to install

  • Official
    • nvidia
    • xclip
    • nodejs
    • feh
    • mpd
    • man and man-db
    • arc-gtk-theme
  • AUR
    • autotiling
    • zathura-git
    • zathura-pdf-mupdf