
A library of common bash functions and scripts

Primary LanguageShell


Project structure

The source files are located in src/, examples in examples/ and tests in tests/. Files in examples/, src/ and tests/ rely on files in src/ only. No other directional dependency is permitted (and no cycles!).

├── examples
│   ├── logging
│   └── string
│       ├── case
│       ├── pad
│       ├── repeat
│       └── trim
├── src
│   ├── logging
│   ├── runner
│   ├── string
│   └── testing
└── tests
    ├── logging
    └── string
        ├── case
        ├── pad
        ├── repeat
        └── trim


Set the env variable BashLib to the src directory of this project

cd project/src
export BashLib="$PWD"


If you wish to use the string::to_upper function which is defined in string/case, do this:

source "${BashLib}/string"

string::to_upper 'Some text'

Library contents


  • logging
    • echo_info
    • echo_warn
    • echo_err
  • string
    • string::to_lower
    • string::to_upper
    • string::pad_left
    • string::pad_right
    • string::pad_inner
    • string::pad_outer
    • string::repeat
    • string::ltrim
    • string::rtrim
    • string::trim


  • Feature submittions must be supplied to a new branch, with comprehensive tests, all in a single commit per feature. If this condition is not met, the request will immediately be rejected.
  • Bug reports must be accompanied by the necessary tests to recreate the issue. This will help identify the cause of the issue, and prevent regressions in the future.


This library is:

  • not guaranteed to work
  • not guaranteed to be free of bugs
  • made in our free time
  • shared with you with no expectation of recompence