
Automated bot with daily cryptocurrency updates.

Primary LanguageJava

Cryptocurrency bot on Twitter

Screenshot from 2022-07-28 21-43-27

Twitter profile: https://twitter.com/CryptoBotDomin ** Account out of service due to hosting issues **

Inspiration for this project

As I'm always looking for different investments and higher capital returns, I decided to build a Twitter bot capable of creating new tweets ifself everyday with crypto info.

BTC, ETH e SOL were chosen in the first place. Upcomming versions might have different options.


  1. Clone the following link locally
  git clone https://github.com/DanielDomingueti/twitter-bot-bitcoin.git
  cd twitter-bot-bitcoin
  1. Create a Twitter account
  1. Get your account KEY to create requests following the link below
  1. Create the file twitter4j.properties (src/main/resources) and insert the keys as following
  oauth.consumerKey=API KEY from Twitter
  oauth.consumerSecret=API KEY SECRET
  oauth.accessToken=ACCESS TOKEN
  oauth.accessTokenSecret=ACCESS TOKEN SECRET
  1. Run the Spring application and the cron will be execute at a given moment.

  2. You can also make a request in this URL if you're willing to create a tweet instantly.

  POST http://localhost:8080/messari/post/
  1. But if you just want to fetch data, here you go
  GET http://localhost:8080/messari/get/{cryptoSymbol e.g. BTC}

Technologies used

This project was built with these technologies:

  • Spring Boot
  • Java 11
  • Maven
  • Twitter4J library
  • Messari API
  • AWS EC2 for deployment

How does it work?

Brief explanation about the project's functionalities

  1. Its core is based on a CRON method. Everyday at 10 a.m. and 22 p.m. the system make a request at /messari/get/{cryptoSymbol} and grab BTC, ETH and SOL's current price.

  2. The service InsertTweetService process it and call the function execute() in PostTweet class to post a tweet.

  3. You can easily change the cron's time in PostTweet

  4. If needed, you can insert a tweet at the current moment at /messari/post