This is a very WIP neovim colorscheme.
- Treesitter support.
- Support to some plugins, mainly ones I have used, I'd tried to add more in the future.
name = 'sweet-fusion',
priority = 1000,
opts = {
-- Set transparent background
transparency = false,
dim_inactive = true,
The options that are currently supported are the following:
terminal_colors = true,
transparency = true,
hl_styles = {
comments = { italic = true },
keywords = { italic = true },
functions = { },
variables = { }
dim_inactive = true,
- lualine.nvim
- nvim-treesitter-context
- aerial.nvim
- nvim-cmp
- dashboard-nvim
- gitsigns.nvim
- nvim-navic
- nvim-navbuddy
- nvim-tree.lua
- telescope.nvim
- todo-comments.nvim
- which-key
- nvim-dap-ui
- vim-illuminate
- nvim-lightbulb
- modes.nvim
- For better experience with modes.nvim I recomend choosing a line opacity value of 0.25.
- Highlight groups, and main code structure, taken from tokyonight.nvim and monokai-nightasty
- For modes.nvim, if you are using Lazy, you need to load it on VimEnter or it will override the themes highlight groups.