
Search for everything you need in CNJ databases

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Package for searching matching string's in CNJ database.


go get -u github.com/Darklabel91/LegalDoc_Classifier

Data Struct

Return data can be: bool, string, FinalData or CNJ, the last two ar compose as:

type FinalData struct {
	SearchName string `json:"SearchName,omitempty"`
	CNJId      string `json:"CNJId,omitempty"`
	CNJIdUpper string `json:"CNJIdUpper,omitempty"`
	CNJName    string `json:"CNJName,omitempty"`
	CnjReturn  []CNJ  `json:"CnjReturn,omitempty"`

type CNJ struct {
	IdItem      string `json:"IdItem,omitempty"`
	IdItemUpper string `json:"IdItemUpper,omitempty"`
	Name        string `json:"Name,omitempty"`


  • SearchName: search string to be searched in CNJ database
  • CNJId: matched id on CNJ database (the best the package could find or the only)
  • CNJIdUpper: upper id, if exists, of the initial id give above (the best the package could find or the only)
  • CNJName: matched CNJ data (the best the package could find or the only)
  • CnjReturn: all matched CNJ data found [CNJId,CNJIdUpper, CNJName]


  • IdItem: id on CNJ database
  • IdItemUpper: upper id, if exists, of the initial id give above
  • Name: matched CNJ data


Key rune for identifing one of four CNJ databases:

  • 'D' documents database (documentos)
  • 'M' movements database (movimentos)
  • 'C' classes database (classes)
  • 'A' subjects database (assuntos)


package main

import (

func main() {

	//Search document name on CNJ document table
	search := "7b00616 - Recurso de Revista.pdf"

	found, err := Classifier.SearchCNJ(search, 'D')
	if err != nil {

	//Search movement name on CNJ movement table
	search = "prisão"

	found, err = Classifier.SearchCNJ(search, 'M')
	if err != nil {

	//Search Class name on CNJ movement table
	search = "Embargos à Arrematação"

	found, err = Classifier.SearchCNJ(search, 'C')
	if err != nil {

	//Search subject name on CNJ subject table
	search = "plano de saúde"

	found, err = Classifier.SearchCNJ(search, 'A')
	if err != nil {

	//CSV search document example
	raw := "CSV/testDocuments.csv"
	separator := ','
	resultFolder := "Test"

	err = ClassifierCSV.LegalDocumentCSV(raw, separator, resultFolder, 0)
	if err != nil {


{7b00616 - Recurso de Revista.pdf 233 48 Recurso de Revista [{48 3 Recurso} {233 48 Recurso de Revista}]}

{prisão 128 157 Prisão [{128 157 Prisão}]}

{Embargos à Arrematação 171 169 Embargos à Arrematação [{207 197 Embargos} {1006 1071 Embargos} {169 158 Embargos} {171 169 Embargos à Arrematação}]}

{plano de saúde 2364 2581 Plano de Saúde [{2364 2581 Plano de Saúde} {10064 10028 Saúde} {13853 13831 Plano de Saúde}]}

files created.


Main Function:

  • SearchCNJ(searchString string, databaseType rune) -> return FinalData for a given search in searchString on a specific database given in databaseType as rune.

  • SearchCNJCSV(rawFilePath string, separator rune, nameResultFolder string, databaseType rune) -> return CSV file in given folder on nameResultFolder. The .csv passed in rawFilePath must contain a single column.


The precision was verifyed as 92%