Depth Denoising and Refinement using Multi-step CNN

This repository contains all code for training, validation, inference, data preparation/preprocessing for Denoising and RGB based Refinement of Noisy Depth Maps. The architecture is based on DDRNet : and is implemented in Pytorch.


  1. Clone repository:

cd /path/to/this/directory

  1. Set up the environment:

Cuda-11.x needs to be installed first

  1. Training/Validation Dataset preparation:

    1. Download and extract the desired RGB-D dataset: For the refinement step, the albedo images have been generated using and the Ground truth depth maps have been obtained by projecting final Fused Mesh onto depth image plane for the respective frames.

    2. Generate the train and test file paths to generate text files containing path to tran and validation sets, train.txt and val.txt, respectively. Also include in the same directory the instrinsic matrix numpy array stored as 'intrinsic.npy' of the device for which denoise/refine is performed.

    3. The train.txt/val.txt file needs to contain in each line the following: Path to RGB Image, Path to original depth map, Path to Albedo Image, Path to Ground truth depth map

  1. Training:

Run the following command to start training:

python --data **Path to root folder containing train.txt, val.txt and intrinsic.npy** --batch_size 12 --run_path **Path to root folder
where tensorboard logs need to be stored** --model_save_path **Path to the root folder where model weights need to be stored** --num_epochs 100 --pateince 5 
--metadata_path **Path to the metadata.json file 

Run this command in a separate terminal to monitor training statistics and validation set results:

tensorboard --logdir <path to resultsdir/logs> 

Open http://localhost:6006/ in browser to see training progress

  1. Inference:

To use the trained model to denoise an entire folder of depth frames run:


Note: Modify root and model_weights_path variables in the above script to the Depth Fusion results root and path to the model checkpoint.pth respectively


Note: Modify root, frame_id and weights_path variables in the above scripts respectively to the Kinect Fusion results root, depth frame number and path to the model checkpoint.pth respectively