RPi GPIO based LED Strip plugin for Homebridge
Built on top of rpio with javascript, inspired by GiniaE/homebridge-gpio-ledstrip
It works out of the box with nodejs 10.15!
- Install homebridge using: npm install -g homebridge
- Install this plugin using: npm install -g homebridge-gpio-rgb-ledstrip
- Update your configuration file. See sample config.json snippet below.
Configuration sample:
"accessories": [
"accessory": "SmartLedStrip",
"name": "Bedroom LedStrip",
"rPin": 22,
"gPin": 27,
"bPin": 17
- "accessory": Must always be "SmartLedStrip" (required)
- "name": Can be anything (required)
- "rPin": GPIO pin that is used to set red value (required)
- "gPin": GPIO pin that is used to set green value (required)
- "bPin": GPIO pin that is used to set blue value (required)