Dart 3D Engine
This project aims to port the three.js JavaScript 3D engine to Dart.
Starting at three.js revision 47.0, the aim is to recreate all of the existing three.js examples, until parity is reached with this version. Beyond this point, further revisions to three.js will be closely followed and matched in three.dart.
WebGL examples
CSS3D examples
Canvas examples
Change Log
2013 04 29 - v 0.2.5
- Added hop runner, tested here:
- Bug fixes for dart-sdk version
- Adding Quaternion rotationBetween method
- Added customDepthMaterial to Object3D
- Added ShadowCaster
- Added ShadowMapPlugin
- Added materials list to MeshFaceMaterial
- Added WebGL_Materials example
- Added shininess and specular to WebGLMaterial
2013 01 30 - v 0.2.4
- Minor refactoring to M3 (adam)
- Updated Streams for events
- WebGL added MorphTargets (nelsonsilva)
- Including examples
2012 10 01 - v 0.2.3
- Nyan Cat example added (adam)
2012 09 23 - v 0.2.2
- Major refactor to pub (adam)
- Minor refactors of getters and exceptions
- Regenerating javascript examples
2012 08 30 - v 0.2.1
- Orthographic camera added (nelsonsilva)
- Canvas_Camera_Orthographic
2012 08 29 - v 0.2.0
- WebGL renderer and examples added (nelsonsilva)
- WebGL_Geometry_Cube
- WebGL_Geometry_Hierarchy
- WebGL_Interactive_Cubes
2012 07 14 - v 0.1.2
- Adaptation to Dart SDK build 9474 (jwb)
2012 03 05 - v 0.1.1 (robsilv)
- Contributors link added
- Canvas Lines example added
- Canvas_Lines.dart
- div removed (not in three.js example)
- vars changed to ints
- PI2 changed to TAU
- context.arc() "anticlockwise" changed to "false" for Win7 publishing
- Body of Touch Events introduced
- Three.dart
- "final" keyword introduced for constants
- Constants moved from Line.dart
- Line.dart
- Authors text introduced
- Constants moved to Three.dart
- ParticleBasicMaterial.dart/CanvasRenderer.dart CTEs resolved
2012 02 28 - v 0.1.0 (robsilv)
- Project upgraded to run with DartBuild 4577 (compile-time errors resolved)
- All HTML examples now use Dart -> JS dynamic replacement code
- Canvas_Interactive_Cubes example implemented
- IMaterial and IParticleMaterial interfaces introduced
- Particle and ParticleCanvasMaterial classes implemented
- Debug mode flag introduced for CanvasRenderer
2012 02 23 - v 0.0.4 (robsilv)
- Canvas_Geometry_Heirarchy example implemented
- Color: r,g,b getters and setters removed for brevity (properties are read/write)
- Vector3: divideScalar() "if ( s !== null )" error resolved
2012 02 23 - v 0.0.3 (robsilv)
- Multiple frame rendering bug fixed!
- Canvas_Geometry_Cube example now draggable
- Default values added to Quaternion, Vector2, Vector4
- Change Log updated from "revision" to "version" numbers (where "version 1" will demonstrate all of the functionality of three.js revision 47.0)
2012 02 12 - v 0.0.2 (robsilv)
- Project restructuring:
- "ThreeD" renamed to "src"
- "examples" folder introduced
2012 02 11 - v 0.0.1 (robsilv)
- Pre-alpha release (I can see a cube!! :D - Tested in Google Chrome Browser on Windows 7)
- This code is not currently ready to be used in a project
- Canvas_Geometry_Cube example partially implemented
- Only code essential to Canvas_Geometry_Cube has been ported (e.g. CanvasRenderer, but not WebGLRenderer)