
A persistent/immutable red-black tree based upon the implementation in Clojure.

Primary LanguageCommon LispEclipse Public License 2.0EPL-2.0


The persistent-tree-map is an immutable red-black tree with O(log(n)) reads and writes. Credit goes to the implementation of Persistent Tree Map in Clojure upon which this implementation is based.

A tree map is a Tree of key-value pairs.


Given that persistent-tree-map collides with several important function definitions in the :common-lisp namespace it is recommended that this library is used with a local nickname. For example, like this:

(defpackage my-package
    (:use #:cl)
    (:local-nicknames (#:ptm #:persistent-tree-map)))


Items in the tree-map are sorted by a comparer function taking two keys, returning less than zero when the first key comes before the second, 0 when they are equal and greater than zero when the first key is ordered after the second.

(lambda (key1 key2) ...) ;; Expected return type of fixnum

For example, this is the implementation for the eq-comparer provided with this library:

(defun eq-comparer (left right)
  (cond ((eq left right) 0)
	((null left) -1)
	((null right) 1)
	((< left right) -1)
	(:else 1)))

API Description


(ptm:make-tree-map #'ptm:eq-comparer nil 1 "a" 'foo)
;; #<treemap nil 1,"a" FOO>


(ptm:add (ptm:make-tree-map #'ptm:eq-comparer 1 "foo") 1 "bar")
;; #<treemap 1 "bar">


(ptm:remove (ptm:make-tree-map #'ptm:eq-comparer 1 1 2 2) 1)
;; #<treemap 2 2>

Finding values:

(ptm:value (ptm:make-tree-map #'ptm:eq-comparer "foo" 2 "bar") 1)
;; "foo"

Testing keys:

(ptm:has-key (ptm:make-tree-map #'ptm:eq-comparer 1 1 2 2) 1)
;; T
(ptm:has-key (ptm:make-tree-map #'ptm:eq-comparer 1 1 2 2) 100)
;; nil


(ptm:length (ptm:make-tree-map #'ptm:eq-comparer 1 "foo" 2 "bar"))
;; 2


(ptm:map (ptm:make-tree-map #'ptm:eq-comparer 1 100 2 200 3 300)
         (lambda (key val) (+ key val))
;; (101 202 303)


(ptm:reduce (ptm:make-tree-map #'ptm:eq-comparer 1 0 2 0 3 0)
            (lambda (start key val) (+ start key val))
;; 6