Portfolio with React

Independent Project for Epicodus - 2/16/2019

By Daniel Lira


This coding portfolio displays information about me in 3 categories: Home, Projects, and Contact. It is a single page application using ReactJS.


  • Program will display Header on all pages.
  • Program will use React Routing to navigate between the Home page, Projects page, and AboutMe page.
  • Program imports images and displays them using base64 encoding.
  • Program contains external links to Github and LinkedIn profiles.

Future Specs

  • Program will be updated to include more interactive elements including dynamic routing to individual project pages showing more details and the option to expand descriptions.

Setup/Installation Instructions

  • Clone Repository from Github.
  • Download all packages by typing "npm install" in the terminal.
  • To check for error type "npm run lint". To have ESLint attempt to fix these automatically type "npm run lint-fix".
  • To run the program type "npm run start" and open application in a browser.

Page Layout

Alt text

Technologies Used

  • React
  • Javascript
  • HTML
  • CSS / Bootstrap
  • JSON


This software is licensed under the MIT license.

Copyright (c) 2019 ** Daniel Lira **