Users and products API

Hello, welcome to the users and products api project.

This project allows:

To create a user:

  • POST /Signup

To login with a user:

  • POST /Auth

To list registrated users:

  • GET /Users

To get an specific user, by his id:

  • GET /User/:id

To update data from an specific user, by his id:

  • PUT /User/:id

To create a product:

  • POST /Product

To list registrated products:

  • POST /Products

To get an specific product, by his id:

  • GET /Product/:id

To update data from an specific product, by his id:

  • PUT /Product/:id

To get all products from a specific user:

  • GET /User/Products/{userId}

Live Demonstration


Hosted by AWS Lightsail, machine and database

API Documentation


Database Documentation

My image


Just run the api (With Docker)

docker compose up

Project Installation (Without Docker)

npm i

Just run the api (Without Docker)

npm run start

Built with:

Librarires: [
    'Sequelize ORM',