Daniel Larusso's Arma 3 Server

A docker based arma 3 server with ftp server for arma3sync repo


  • Docker
  • docker-compose
  • git


Clone the repository to your linux server

git clone git@github.com:DanielLarusso/docker-arma.git


Copy .env.dist to .env and adjust this file to your needs

  • ARMA3SERVER_PARAMETER_MOD The mods string to launch the server with e.g. "@cba_a3;@ace;@task_force_radio;"
  • ARMA3SERVER_PARAMETER_SERVERMOD Same as above but for server mods only
  • STEAM_ACCOUNT_USER Arma 3 server requires a valid steam user. Make sure to turn off steam guard!
  • STEAM_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD The password for the declared steam user above
  • FTP_USER_UID Default: 1000; The UID of the linux user to use for ftp access
  • FTP_USER_NAME Default: vsftp; The username of the linux user to use for ftp access
  • FTP_USER_PASSWORD Default: changeme; The password of the linux user to use for ftp access
  • FTP_PORT Default: 21
  • FTP_PASV_PORT_MIN Default: 21000
  • FTP_PASV_PORT_MAX Default: 21010

server.cfg & basic.cfg

Copy config/server.cfg.dist and config/basic.cfg.dist to config/server.cfg and config/basic.cfg and adjust them to your needs

Start the server

docker-compose up -d