
Challenge 2 of the University of Southampton Space Cadets program

Primary LanguageJava

Barebones language

Challenge 2 of the University of Southampton Space Cadets program.

The barebones language is based on four instructions:

Set a variable to zero. clear var;

Add one to a variable. incr var;

Subtract one from a variable. decr var;

Loop until var is 0. while var not 0 do; ... ... end

This project is an interpreter for this very simple language.

There is also a compiler built in (see the -c flag) and bytecode executor (the program automatically figures out which one to use).

Running the program: java -jar Challenge-2.jar filename

Important notes: The interpreter is fairly forgiving: if a variable doen't exist, it is assumed to equal zero.

Command line switches: -v = Turns the extra printing OFF (this will only print at the end). -t = Time the execution of a script. -c = Compile the input file into bytecode and saves it -j = Just-In-Time compiler (compiles the input and runs the bytecode).

NOTE: These switches cannot be combined in the way you'd expect (so -vt is invalid, it must be specified as -v -t).