
This repository contains all the problems i solved along with CP utilities like algorithms that i have implemented... Feel free to benefit from this repository...

Primary LanguageC++

Competitive Programming


Practice Practice Practice |||| Until Perfection



I made this repo with the view of having a central hub for all the CP utilities, problems solved etc, in my competitive journey to reach 7* Codechef... I hope this will be useful to you as it is for me....

Problem solved:

This section includes problems I solved from various platforms .....

  • List of Platforms used:

    • Codeforces
      • Includes Codeforces Problems I solved.
    • CodeChef
      • Includes the problems I solved in Codechef.
    • Leetcode
      • Includes Leetcode 30 day challenges and Leetcode problems I solved.
    • Geeks For Geeks
      • Topic wise solution for concept
    • Coding blocks
      • Includes all the problems I solved in Hackerblocks and Coding blocks.
    • Interview Bits
      • Solving all problems in the given track order

CP Utilities:

This section contains the various CP utilites I have including algorithms, datastructure implementations and various CP utilities..

Author info:

Follow me or connect with me in the below platforms...