This is a simple project where I use Java and Pi4J to turn an old Centrum U68 from 1940 into a MP3 player. The reason is because short wave, middle wave and long wave is today obsolete and not being used or sended today in Sweden. Also the electronics inside was a mess and very dangerous because it runs on both AC/DC current and all the wires is begun to lose its isolators.
So I installed a Raspberry Pi B+ and OpenJDK 8 and Pi4J inside this radio and then it become a juke box.
* Autoplaying next song
* 60 songs included (around 1930-1950)
* Volume tuning
* Song select
* 3 Song bands
* Low power consumption. Works with old Raspberry Pi:s.
* Terminal based. No TV screen need to be used
Pictures and the short movie Film.mp4 uploaded:
* Raspberry
* MPC3008 10 bit ADC
* MCP23017 IO-expander for the LCD
* 1602 LCD
* 10K potentiometer for tuning song (does not matter which resistance you choose)
* 2M potentiometer for volume (does not matter which resistance you choose)
* Turn button 3-way
* PC speakers with Aux cable
* 5 Volt Micro USB charger
Step 1: Download the project
Step 2: Go to the PiJukeBox folder and run
./graldew fatJar // Linux
gradlew fatJar // Windows
Inside build/libs folder there is a file named PiJukeBox-all-1.0.jar
Step 3: Transfer it to your Raspberry Pi
scp PiJukeBox-all-1.0.jar pi@IpAddressOfPi:/home/pi/your/folder
Step 4: Open rc.local in /etc/rc.local
sudo nano /etc/rc.local
// Paste this above exit 0
cd /home/pi/your/folder/PiJukeBox-all-1.0.jar
java -jar PiJukeBox-all-1.0.jar & // important with &, else it will stop here
Step 5: Change OpenJDK 8(or OpenJDK 11) like this and save
sudo nano /etc/java-8-openjdk/
// Place a square before the icedtea classpath configs like this
// Remove the square (#) from the sun classpath configs like this
Now you can play MP3 songs via the terminal.
Step 6: Reboot
Done! Every time you start your raspberry, the musik will start up and roll on