
Python plugin for hangoutsbot to create and manage events within Google Hangouts

Primary LanguagePython

This repository contains a plugin for hangouts-bot. Simply put the python script events.py in the plugins folder which is located in the hangupsbot directory. Last but not least, add events to the config file of your bot and restart the bot to enable the plugin.


All the commands below are shown with the ! prefix to trigger the bot and keep the examples short. When not having this prefix enabled for your hangoutsbot you probably have to trigger the events with /bot.

Actions for event

! event <name> Create an event titled

! event join <id> Join the event . Omitting will join the latest created event.

! event leave <event_number> Leave event .

! event list List all the events for this hangout

! event <id> [--id] List those attending event . Append --id to return the full G+ IDs of the attendees.

! event rename <id> <name> Rename event

! event cancel <event_number> Cancel event

! event add <id> <G+ ID> Add user to event by their G+ ID

! event kick <id> <G+ ID> Kick user from event by their G+ ID

Get a list of available events in your hangout

! events List all the events for this hangout

Join an event

! join join latest created event

! join <id> join the event


For more help, type ! help <command> to get help for the specified command from the bot.