- 0
We should keep a copy of the server configuration we use for this research
#61 opened by DanielPerezJensen - 7
- 0
Add drop_intention using the context
#56 opened by DanielPerezJensen - 0
- 2
- 2
- 2
Find the middle of the goal state
#50 opened by YassinAbdelrahman - 5
- 1
Should we treat the dictionary of nodes in graph as a defaultdict instead of a normal dict?
#48 opened by DanielPerezJensen - 1
Confusing usage of the word node
#46 opened by DanielPerezJensen - 0
- 3
- 9
- 0
Agent needs a function to print the current state of the map (as known in the beliefs)
#38 opened by lucweytingh - 0
Use STATUS-REQUEST message to determine server config, including no. agents
#32 opened by DanielPerezJensen - 1
- 0
- 1
Need function that returns a node or None depending on if node exists in graph
#12 opened by DanielPerezJensen - 1
- 0
Unpack higher level functions in BDI agent
#20 opened by lucweytingh - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0