
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Rec The Trail

A Washington Trails Association Hike Recommender

Galvanize Data Science Program - Summer 2016 - Capstone Project - Jade Tabony


While the Washington Trails Association (WTA) provides a great resource for people to find hikes in their area that fit their specifications, the site does not have a recommender system to suggest hikes to people based on hikes that they have liked in the past. I built Rec The Trail to fill exactly that gap.


Web Application: recthetrail.com

At recthetrail.com, you can input a hike that you like along with either a rating or a trip report and it will give you five hike recommendations!

If you already have a WTA username, you can provide that for tailored refined hike recommendations.

Recthetrail.com is created using Flask and self-hosted on AWS.


Data Source

All of my data is scraped from the WTA website using requests and BeautifulSoup. For each hike, I scraped the hike meta data, the trail description and all of the corresponding trip reports. Since the website only provides an overall average rating, instead of individual user ratings, I used sentiment analysis on trip reports in order to create a rating system.

All of the data was stored in MongoDB.


stack image

For every hike, I scraped the provided longitude and latitude and used the Google API to calculate the drive time from Seattle.

From the hike description, I vectorized all of the text using TF-IDF. I then performed k-means clustering to group hikes based on similar keywords. Some of the groups produced were:

  • Loop hikes
  • Summits
  • Waterfalls
  • Rivers

Sentiment analysis

Due to the lack of individual ratings for each hike, I decided to apply sentiment analysis to each trip report to create a rating system. I tried a variety of sentiment analysis method, including built-in algorithms such as the TextBlob Polarity and Turi Sentiment Analysis. After searching for some relevant training data, I found that reviews on everytrail.com all had both text and rating data. Unfortunately, the data is highly unbalanced and messy (some entries were in Turkish).

Following data cleaning, I tried building my own sentiment analysis models using the following models:

  • Random Forests
  • Gradient Boosting
  • Adaboosting
    • With the following base estimators:
      • Multinomial bayes
      • Decision tree

Recommendation System

The recommendation system is implemented using Turi GraphLab (now owned by Apple). I tried three different types of recommendation systems:

  • Factorization Recommender
  • Item Content Recommender
  • Ranking Factorization Recommender with Item Data

The models were each evaluated using RMSE, Recall and Precision at N and A/B testing. The final web app is built using ranking factorization with item data and item content recommenders in absence of preexisting user data.

Repo Structure

├── code
|   ├── ider_pickler.py (functions for pickling hike identification)
|   ├── recommender.py (builds final recommendation systems and pickles it)
|   └── sentiment_analysis.py (functions for sentiment analysis and rating system)
├── EDA
|   ├── EDA.ipynb (hike feature exploration and visualization)
|   ├── Recommender.ipynb (recommender exploration and comparisons)
|   └── sentimentAnalysis.ipynb (Sentiment analysis model comparison)
├── scraper
|   ├── dataCleaning.py (parses scraped data, extracts meta data and uses Google API)
|   ├── trainingDataScraper.py (everytrail.com trip review scraper)
|   ├── tripReportScraper.py (wta.org trip report scraper)
|   └── wtaScraper.py (wta.org hike scraper)
├── web_app
|   ├── pickle (all pickled models used in the app)
|   ├── static
|   ├── templates
|   └── root.py (runs application)
├── CrispDM.md (write-up of Crisp-DM methodology used for this project)
├── Install.txt
└── README.md

Future Work

  • Use more advanced techniques on the trip report text to improve sentiment analysis based rating system
  • Refine the web application (add weather report, add gear recommendations such as microspikes if snow is present).
  • Incorporate more filtering options for the use. (Ex. Limit drive time, less popular hike)


  1. "Washington Trails Association." WTAs Blog. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Aug. 2016.

  2. "EveryTrail - Travel Community, IPhone Guides for Sightseeing, Hiking, Walking Tours and More." EveryTrail - Travel Community, IPhone Guides for Sightseeing, Hiking, Walking Tours and More. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Aug. 2016.

  3. Andy Bromberg. (n.d.). Retrieved August 09, 2016, from http://andybromberg.com/sentiment-analysis-python/

  4. Debnath, S., Ganguly, N., & Mitra, P. (2008). Feature weighting in content based recommendation system using social network analysis. Proceeding of the 17th International Conference on World Wide Web - WWW '08. doi:10.1145/1367497.1367646

  5. Machine Learning Blog & Software Development News. (n.d.). Retrieved August 09, 2016, from http://blog.datumbox.com/machine-learning-tutorial-the-naive-bayes-text-classifier/

  6. Silva, Nádia, Estevam Hruschka, and Eduardo Hruschka. "Biocom Usp: Tweet Sentiment Analysis with Adaptive Boosting Ensemble." Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2014) (2014): n. pag. Web.

  7. Sobhanam, H., & Mariappan, A. K. (2013). Addressing cold start problem in recommender systems using association rules and clustering technique. 2013 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics. doi:10.1109/iccci.2013.6466121

  8. Turi Machine Learning Platform User Guide. (n.d.). Retrieved August 09, 2016, from https://turi.com/learn/userguide/recommender/choosing-a-model.html