Delivery Manager

1. Introduction

This application was developed to help with the management of customers, employees, products and orders of the restaurant La Casa Dorada.

2. Entities

In order to fulfill the features required by the client, the following entities have been defined:

▶ Customer

▶ Employee

▶ User

▶ Ingredients

▶ Dishtype

▶ Product

▶ Order

For each entity, the application is in the capacity of manage it, this means add, modify, enable/disable and delete them. In order to do this, the user must acces to the different menus or double-click a selected cell (modify a field). These are:

Bar menu: By using this menu the user can access to the add options and visualize the table of a selected entity, from there the user can modify, enalbe/unable and delete them.

Context menus These menus are displayed after selecting a cell in the table and pressing the right button of the mouse.

Add entity example:

Modify entity example:

Visualize entity example:

3. Files

The application is in the capacity of import and export information corresponding to the restaurant. These features are specified below.

3.1 Import

The application can import three types of data: customers, products and orders. In order to import data from a file, the file must have the extension .csv and a different amount of separators that indicates the position of the attributes depending on the type.

Order: Three separators are required.

Example: Arroz con pollo/familiar;Arroz con pollo/grande,2;2,nada,ENTREGADO,111,123

Product: Two separators are required.

Example: Arroz con pollo;arroz;pollo,10000;20000,familiar;grande,comida

Customer: One separator is required.

Example: Diego,Hidalgo,12345,calle 25 #5-33,nada

3.2 Export

The application can export three types of data: employees, products and orders. The extension of the file will be .csv. The user must choose a range of dates and hours, a save path and a separator.

4. Changes

The new changes can be found in the next link: file with changes

5. Contributors

▶ Diego Hidalgo. GitHub profile.

▶ Brian Romero. GitHub profile

6. Additional information

This application was developed using Java 8, JavaFX and CSS