
This role installs, configures, and adds a supervisor service for logstash using tar packages


This role installs, configures, and adds a supervisor service for logstash using tar packages

Role Variables

variable description default mandatory
logstash_state present or absent present
logstash_s3_bucket S3 bucket where tar file is located yes
logstash_s3_base base path to retrieve tar file from, not including filename yes
logstash_link create a link from the install dir to ./logstash true
logstash_remove_old remove old versions of logstash before installing true
logstash_setup_supervisor setup supervisor to manage the logstash process true
logstash_autostart start automatically on boot true
logstash_heap_size size of the heap to start logstash with 500m
logstash_java_opts java options to pass in at runtime -Djava.io.tmpdir={{ logstash_install_path }}/logstash
logstash_conf_dir path to configuration directory (.d type split configs are accepted by logstash) /etc/logstash/conf.d
logstash_opts extra options to start logstash with no
logstash_log_dir path to log file logstash will write to /var/log/logstash
logstash_java_home override the java home logstash will use no
logstash_configurations hash: { name: { source: , dest: } } none no
logrotate_dir directory for logrotate.d configs '/etc/logrotate.d no
logstash_plugins list of hashes containing names of plugins to install. ex - name: magical_plugin none no


No dependencies.

Example Playbook

An example playbook is included in the test directory, but here is a rundown on typical usage.

- hosts: all
     - { role: logstash,
         logstash_version: 1.5.0.rc1.1,
         logstash_install_path: /opt,
         logstash_s3_bucket: sps-build-deploy,
         logstash_s3_base: /non-sps/elasticsearch/logstash/,
         logstash_java_home: /opt/java/java8,
                    [ { name: logstash-input-s3 } ],
           { test:
             { source: /tmp/test.config,
               dest: testerfile.conf


Apache 2.0

Author Information

Author: Ryan O'Keeffe (okeefferd@gmail.com)