HackED 2018 Introduction

Our team consisting of Kynan Ly, Alex Dong, Jayden Chan, and Daniel Ren, went on to make an afforable, accessible and assistive device for braille users. We would like to thank the sponsors and the UofA Computer Engineering Club for funding and organizing HackED2018.


By utilizing Microsoft's Computer Vision API and an open-source text to braille translator called "Liblouis", we created a Python program called "pyBraille". This program allows you to load in images of handwritten and typed text, and outputs the braille equivalent of the text that was read from the API. Physical visualization is provided using Ardruino Uno, but there are hardware limitations during the event such as use of LED lights in place of linear actuators.


The program was developed and tested on the Ubuutu LTS 14.0.4 Linux environment. We can not guaruntee that this program is supported by other versions of Linux, Windows, or MacOS.



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