Ng Shi Xuan, Aerin (A0205054U) & Alyssa Nah Xiao Ting (A0202400J) & Daniel Seah Jieh Tzen (A0180335L) & Ng Chee Heng (A0205454L) & Isabella Cheong Xiao Xuan (A0185030R)
1. CS2102Website Folder
- Contains source code for our website
- Contains SQL queries for our website
2. Resources Folder
- Contains ER Diagram in PNG and PDF format
- Contains Project Report
Demo Video Link
You may view our demo video atWebsite Link
You may view our website atLogin Credentials:
1. Sample Pet Owner Account
- username: deverix0
- password: password
2. Sample Care Taker Account
- username: acallera
- password: password
3. Sample PCS Admin Account
- username: tbryan9
- password: password
- Cookies may take quite a while to clear because we designed our website with the intention of Pet Owners/Care Takers/PCS Admin not needing to login and logout often.
- If you wish to log into another account and the cookie has not clear yet, do visit this url https://fierce-sands-59863.herokuapp.com/signIn