
sample react project to use Marvel Comics API

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Sample Marvel API React App

Daniel Smith - javajoint@gmail.com - December 2018


MarvelView is a sample Single Page App that searches titles of Marvel Comics. It calls an API to retrieve data such as thumbnails, titles, descriptions, poster images, and a link to even more detail on the Marvel site.


Github Repo - https://github.com/DanielSmith/marvelview.git

AWS Demo Instance - http://ec2-54-219-172-52.us-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com:3000/

Developer Key - sign up at: https://developer.marvel.com

Functionality Details

  • Upon launching MarvelView, it reaches out to do a default search (in this case "deadpool")
  • Enter a title, and press enter to launch a search
  • Searches are based on what a title starts with ("pider" will fail, but "spider" will find Spider-Man titles). The Marvel API provides for either a title match, or "starts with".
  • Feedback is given while searching, and in the case where there are no results
  • No search is performed if the search field is empty
  • There is a limit of 10 results per search. This would be easy to change.
  • Clicking on a thumbnail will show more detail to the right, including a poster image, title, and description
  • Clicking an the detail poster will launch a new browser window for that title on the Marvel site.

Implementation Details

The User Story I was given called for "a single page web application", but also said "When clicking a search result, the user will be taken to a new "details" page for the individual comic, along with the option to navigate back to the original search page". I elected to keep it a Single Page App, and to have a thumbnail strip, along with a detail panel. It could be done as a multipage app, or as a thumbnail grid that launches detail modals (as two options). I thought it would be best to keep it simple.

I used Semantic UI (for the first time), and did a basic layout (header, comic list, comic detail). With more time I would adapt some of the theming I see on the Marvel site.

The React implementation is straightforward. It leverages stateful and functional components, passes props, and uses setState(). A more advanced implementation would use Redux or MobX.

  • The ComicList is comprised of search results. Each result is a ComicItem.
  • Clicking on a ComicItem invokes a callback, which changes state, which updates a prop for ComicDetail