running in dev

  • copy the content of the sample.env to an .env file
  • change the content of the .env file to you enviroment
  • run npm install
  • run npm run dev
  • dev server is avalable on localhost:4000

Deploying a new datamodel

  • change datamodel.prisma to your needs
  • run npm run deploy (.env file must be present and must have valid data)
    • if post deploy hook fails run graphql get-schema -p prisma maually


  • if your editor does not format on save please run npm run lint before commiting
  • fix all errors occure on the linting proccess

Deploying a prisma server

  • Requirements:
    • docker
    • docker-compose
  • uncomment the line with # managementApiSecret: geheim and enter a solid secret
  • the secret must equal the equal PRISMA_MANAGEMENT_API_SECRET in your .env file
  • run docker-compose up -d (docker-compose up -d -f ./docker-compose.traefik.yml when using a traefik proxy)
  • server should be awailable on port 4466 (or on the traefik frontend)
  • (TODO: use external DB)