
A tool for lc0 training data operations

Primary LanguageC++


Tool to generate lc0 training data. Useful for Supervised Learning from PGN games.

How to build

After cloning the repository locally, don't forget to run the following commands in order to also clone the git submodules:

git submodule sync --recursive
git submodule update --recursive --init

In order to build CMake and Boost libraries are required. To install on Ubuntu, run the following command:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y cmake libboost-all-dev

After submodules are cloned and all dependencies are installed build the project by running:

cmake .

followed by:

cmake --build .


Pass the PGN input file and it will output training data in the same way lc0 selfplay does. Example:

trainingdata-tool 2008_SCT_LadiesOpen.pgn

There are 4 options suported so far:

  • -v: Verbose mode
  • -lichess-mode: Lichess mode. Will extract SF evaluation score from Lichess commented games. Non-commented games will be filtered out.
  • -files-per-dir <integer number>: Max games to store in a single directory, when that number is reached a new directory is created to store the new games to avoid stressing the file system too much.
  • -max-files-to-convert <integer number>: Stop after this many files have been written.
  • -chunks-per-file: How many training data chunks to write in each file.


trainingdata-tool -max-games-to-convert 1000 -files-per-dir 500 -v -lichess-mode
Max games to convert set to: 1000
Max files per directory set to: 500
Verbose mode ON
Lichess mode ON