

This registry allows package authors to specify where to find and how to build the documentation for their packages displayed on e.g.


Just add a new entry to Registry.toml by hand following the Specifications below (order doesn't matter) or with the provided add_to_registry.jl script:

julia add_to_registry.jl Package1 Package2 Package3


There are three options for specifying how (with the method key) and where (with the location key) to find a package's documentation:

  • vendored: The documentation source is located in a folder (specified by location) in the package's root directory.
  • git-repo: The documentation source is located in the git repo given by location.
  • hosted: The built documentation is reachable under the URL given by location.


Each package is specified by UUID, which is also the top-level key. Required sub-keys are method, location, and name:

name = "PackageName"
method = "hosted"
location = ""