
Creation of abstract art and animations on JavaScript using Canvas-Sketch library and node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Creation of abstract art and animations on JavaScript using Canvas-Sketch library (from Matt DesLauriers) and node.js

Every 'sketch-#.js' file is written in JavaScript, they can't be executed unless there's a nodejs server running.

Here are some PNG and MP4 files representing the final output of the written code.


How to run each sketch :

1- Install a terminal on you windows pc (In my case, I use ConEmu or Git). If you're on a MacOS environment, they already come with a terminal so no need to install one.

  1. Install NodeJS on your computer.

  2. NodeJs comes with an nmp package for JavaScript, you can check by writing the following command on the terminal : npm -v

  3. Install the 'canvas-sketch' library, in order to install it, run the following command on the terminal : npm install canvas-sketch-cli -g

  4. Install 'canvas-sketch-util', in order to install it, run the following command on the terminal : npm install canvas-sketch-util

  5. Now everything is ready to open a sketch. To open a sketch, make sure the file is saved on a folder and run the following command on the terminal : canvas-sketch sketch-#.js (# is for the number of the sketch file)

    For example : canvas-sketch sketch-02.js

  6. You'll se a server running http address, you can clip it on a browser and you'll be able to see the sketch.

I'll be soon adding new ones... Have fun!