
Carbon Black API Resources

Primary LanguagePython

Carbon Black Enterprise Server API




  • Version: v4.1
  • Download zip
  • Download tgz


APIs and example scripts for earlier releases can be found at:


Client Bindings

The Carbon Black API is a RESTful API. This means that the API can be consumed by practically any language.

Example client bindings and scripts are included for reference purposes. Both the bindings and example scripts are implemented in python.

The core client bindings can be found at client_apis/python/src/cbapi/cbapi.py. HTTP communication is supported via the python requests library. The client bindings require version 1.0.0 of the requests libarary, released 12-17-2012. Previous versions of the requests library are not compatible with cbapi as written.


The following APIs are versioned.

Process Data

Binary Data

Sensor Data



  • /api/v1/license - Server license status, requests, and application of new license


The following APIs are beta. Backwards compatibility will not be supported. Contents are not expected to widely change.

  • /api/info - top-level configuration

API Authentication

Each user in Cb has a personal API key. To find a user's API key, log into the console as that user, then click the username in the upper right -> Profile -> API Token. (If the API Token is missing or otherwise compromised, click "Reset" to generate a new token for that user.)

For an API request to the Cb server, add this key to a custom HTTP Request Header X-Auth-Token.

For example, to get the summary information for a binary with MD5 6D778E0F95447E6546553EEEA709D03C:

[root@localhost flask]# curl -H 'X-Auth-Token:15dd7c486d81899f64643d6618c47a4e5ccc5c01'
  "digsig_result": "Signed",
  "observed_filename": [
  "product_version": "5.1.2600.5512",
  "signed": "Signed",
  "digsig_sign_time": "2008-04-14T09:07:00Z",
  "orig_mod_len": 389120,
  "is_executable_image": true,
  "is_64bit": false,
  "digsig_publisher": "Microsoft Corporation",
  "file_version": "5.1.2600.5512 (xpsp.080413-2111)",
  "company_name": "Microsoft Corporation",
  "internal_name": "cmd",
  "_version_": 1457126999526998016,
  "product_name": "Microsoft\u00c2\u00ae Windows\u00c2\u00ae Operating System",
  "digsig_result_code": "0",
  "timestamp": "2014-01-13T14:49:55.189Z",
  "copied_mod_len": 389120,
  "server_added_timestamp": "2014-01-13T14:49:55.189Z",
  "md5": "6D778E0F95447E6546553EEEA709D03C",
  "legal_copyright": "\u00c2\u00a9 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",
  "original_filename": "Cmd.Exe",
  "file_desc": "Windows Command Processor"

API Reference


Process search. Parameters passed as a query string.

Supports:: GET

  • q: REQUIRED Query string. Accepts the same data as the search box on the Process Search page. TODO: link to query syntax doc
  • rows: OPTIONAL Return this many rows, 10 by default.
  • start: OPTIONAL Start at this row, 0 by default.
  • sort: OPTIONAL Sort rows by this field and order. last_update desc by default.
  • facets: OPTIONAL Return facet results. 'false' by default, set to 'true' for facets.

JSON object with the following elements:

  • results: a list of matching processes (see below for process object)
  • terms: a list of strings, each representing a token as parsed by the query parser
  • total_results: number of matching processes
  • start: index of first row
  • elapsed: clock time elapsed resolving this request
  • events: a list of event objects matching the query string (see below for event object)
  • facets: a list of facet entries if requested. (see below for facet object)
  • tagged_pids: a list of process IDs in this result set that have one or more events tagged as part of an investigation
  • filtered: count of results filtered due to security settings

Process Object

A process contains the following fields:

  • process_md5: the md5 of the binary image backing the process
  • process_name: the name of the process
  • start: the start time of the process in remote computer GMT time
  • last_update: the time of the most recently received event for this process in remote computer GMT time
  • hostname: the hostname of the computer for this process
  • modload_count: the count of modules loaded in this process
  • regmod_count: the count of registry modifications in this process
  • filemod_count: the count of file modifications in this process
  • netconn_count: count of network connections in this process
  • childproc_count: the count of child processes launched by this process
  • group: the CB Host group this sensor is assigned to
  • sensor_id: the internal CB id for the sensor on which the process executed
  • id: the internal CB process GUID for this process (processes are identified by this GUID and their segment id)
  • segment_id: the process segment id (processes are identified by this segment id and their process ID id)
  • unique_id: internal CB process id combining of the process GUID and segment GUID

Event Object

An event object contains the following fields:

  • name: the full value containing a match. The matching substring is bracketed with PREPREPRE and POSTPOSTPOST
  • ids: a list of process unique_ids containing name

Facet Object

The facet object is a list of dictionaries with the following keys. Each key is a list of facet results objects that contain the top 200 name, value and percentage for the unique set of results matching the search.

  • process_md5: the top unique process_md5s for the processes matching the search
  • hostname: the top unique hostnames matching the search
  • group: the top unique host groups for hosts matching this search
  • path_full: the top unique paths for the processes matching this search
  • parent_name: the top unique parent process names for the processes matching this search
  • process_name: the top unique process names for the processes matching this search
  • host_type: the distribution of host types matching this search: one of workstation, server, domain_controller
  • hour_of_day: the distribution of process start times by hour of day in computer local time
  • day_of_week: the distribution of process start times by day of week in computer local time
  • start: the distribution of process start times by day for the last 30 days

Each facet result object has three values:

  • name: the facet value
  • value: the count of occurrences of this value
  • percent: the ratio of this value to the total set of values in the result set

A complete example:


  "results": [
      "process_md5": "ac4c51eb24aa95b77f705ab159189e24", 
      "process_name": "explorer.exe", 
      "group": "Default Group", 
      "segment_id": 1, 
      "netconn_count": 0, 
      "hostname": "WIN-EP7RMLTCLAJ", 
      "last_update": "2013-08-22T15:00:02Z", 
      "start": "2013-08-14T13:41:57Z", 
      "sensor_id": 2, 
      "modload_count": 103, 
      "path": "c:\\windows\\explorer.exe", 
      "regmod_count": 355, 
      "filemod_count": 10, 
      "id": "-3748189368838069954", 
      "unique_id": "cbfbc1a0-b782-e13e-0000-000000000001", 
      "childproc_count": 7
  "terms": [
  "total_results": 1, 
  "elapsed": 0.8763120174407959, 
  "start": 0, 
  "facets": {}, 
  "events": [
      "name": "\\registry\\user\\s-1-5-21-2445116603-3509627529-3207332553-1000_classes\\local settings\\software\\microsoft\\windows\\shell\\muicache\\c:\\windows\\system32\\PREPREPREnotepad.exePOSTPOSTPOST", 
      "ids": [
  "tagged_pids": {  }, 
  "filtered": {}, 


Gets basic process information for segment (segment) of process (guid)

Supports: GET

  • id: REQUIRED the internal CB process guid, the id field in search results
  • segment: REQUIRED the process segment, the segment_id field in search results.

A JSON object with the following structure:

  • process: a process summary object with metadata for the selected process
  • siblings: a list of process summary objects for the first 15 sibiling processes
  • children: a list of process summary objects for each child process
  • parent: a process summary object with metadata for the parent process

Each process summary object contains the following structure:

  • process_md5: the MD5 of the executable backing this process
  • sensor_id: the sensor id of the host this process executed on
  • group: the sensor group the sensor was assigned to
  • parent_id: the process guid of the parent process
  • process_name: the name of this process, e.g., svchost.exe
  • path: the full path of the executable backing this process, e.g., c:\windows\system32\svchost.exe
  • last_update: the time of the last event received from this process, as recorded by the remote host
  • start: the start time of this process, as recorded by the remote host
  • hostname: the hostname of the computer this process executed on
  • id: the internal CB process guid of this process
  • segment_id: the segment id of this process

A complete example:


  "process": {
    "process_md5": "517110bd83835338c037269e603db55d", 
    "sensor_id": 2, 
    "group": "Default Group", 
    "start": "2013-09-19T22:07:07Z", 
    "process_name": "taskhost.exe", 
    "segment_id": 1, 
    "last_update": "2013-09-19T22:09:07Z", 
    "cmdline": "taskhost.exe $(arg0)", 
    "hostname": "WIN-EP7RMLTCLAJ", 
    "parent_id": "5856845119039539348", 
    "path": "c:\\windows\\system32\\taskhost.exe", 
    "id": "2032659773721368929"
  "siblings": [
      "process_md5": "c78655bc80301d76ed4fef1c1ea40a7d", 
      "sensor_id": 2, 
      "group": "Default Group", 
      "parent_id": "5856845119039539348", 
      "process_name": "svchost.exe", 
      "segment_id": 1, 
      "last_update": "2013-09-19T22:34:49Z", 
      "start": "2013-09-10T04:10:07Z", 
      "hostname": "WIN-EP7RMLTCLAJ", 
      "path": "c:\\windows\\system32\\svchost.exe", 
      "id": "5286285292765095481"
  "children": [], 
  "parent": {
    "process_md5": "24acb7e5be595468e3b9aa488b9b4fcb", 
    "sensor_id": 2, 
    "group": "Default Group", 
    "parent_id": "4245649408199694328", 
    "process_name": "services.exe", 
    "segment_id": 1, 
    "last_update": "2013-09-19T22:09:07Z", 
    "start": "2013-09-10T04:09:51Z", 
    "hostname": "WIN-EP7RMLTCLAJ", 
    "path": "c:\\windows\\system32\\services.exe", 
    "id": "5856845119039539348"


Gets the events for the process with id (id) and segment (segment)

Supports:: GET

  • id: REQUIRED the internal CB process guid, the id field in search results
  • segment: REQUIRED the process segment, the segment_id field in search results.

A JSON object with the following structure:

  • process: a process summary object with metadata and events for the selected process
  • elapsed: the clock time required to get this structure

The process object may contain the following entries.

  • process_md5: the MD5 of the executable backing this process
  • sensor_id: the sensor id of the host this process executed on
  • group: the sensor group the sensor was assigned to
  • parent_id: the process guid of the parent process
  • process_name: the name of this process, e.g., svchost.exe
  • path: the full path of the executable backing this process, e.g., c:\windows\system32\svchost.exe
  • cmdline: the command line of the process
  • last_update: the time of the last event received from this process, as recorded by the remote host
  • start: the start time of this process, as recorded by the remote host
  • hostname: the hostname of the computer this process executed on
  • id: the internal CB process guid of this process
  • segment_id: the segment id of this process
  • regmod_complete: a pipe-delimited list of regmod strings
  • filemod_complete: a pipe-delimited list of filemod strings
  • modload_complete: a pipe-delimited list of modload strings
  • netconn_complete: a pipe-delimited list of netconn strings
  • childproc_complete: a pipe-delimited list of childproc strings

Each xxx_complete record is a string similar to:

2013-09-19 22:07:07.000000|f404e59db6a0f122ab26bf4f3e2fd0fa|c:\\windows\\system32\\dxgi.dll"

The pipe character (|) delimits the fields.

"1|2013-09-16 07:11:58.000000|c:\\documents and settings\\administrator\\local settings\\temp\\hsperfdata_administrator\\3704|"
  • field 0: operation type, an integer 1, 2, 4 or 8
    • 1: Created the file
    • 2: First wrote to the file
    • 4: Deleted the file
    • 8: Last wrote to the file
  • field 1: event time
  • field 2: file path
  • field 3: if operation type (field 0) is 8, last write, this value is the md5 of the file after the last write
2013-09-19 22:07:07.000000|f404e59db6a0f122ab26bf4f3e2fd0fa|c:\\windows\\system32\\dxgi.dll"
  • field 0: event time
  • field 1: MD5 of the loaded module
  • field 2: Full path of the loaded module
"2|2013-09-19 22:07:07.000000|\\registry\\user\\s-1-5-19\\software\\microsoft\\sqmclient\\reliability\\adaptivesqm\\manifestinfo\\version"
  • field 0: operation type, an integer 1, 2, 4 or 8
    • 1: Created the registry key
    • 2: First wrote to the registry key
    • 4: Deleted the key
    • 8: Deleted the value
  • field 1: event time
  • field 3: the registry key path
"2013-09-16 07:11:59.000000|-1979811809|80|6|dl.javafx.com|true"
  • field 0: event time
  • field 1: remote IP address as a 32-bit signed long
  • field 2: remote port
  • field 3: protocol: 6 is TCP, 17 is UDP
  • field 4: domain name associated with the IP address, from the client's perspective at the time of the network connection
  • field 5: boolean "true" if the connection was outbound; "false" if the connection was inbound

A complete example:


  {"process_md5": "517110bd83835338c037269e603db55d", 
  "sensor_id": 2, 
  "group": "Default Group", 
  "start": "2013-09-19T22:07:07Z",
  "process_name": "taskhost.exe", 
  "segment_id": 1, 
  "regmod_complete": [
        "2|2013-09-19 22:07:07.000000|\\registry\\user\\s-1-5-19\\software\\microsoft\\sqmclient\\reliability\\adaptivesqm\\manifestinfo\\version", 
        "2|2013-09-19 22:09:07.000000|\\registry\\machine\\software\\microsoft\\reliability analysis\\rac\\wmilasttime"
  "parent_id": "5856845119039539348", 
  "cmdline": "taskhost.exe $(arg0)", 
  "filemod_complete": [
        "2|2013-09-19 22:07:07.000000|c:\\programdata\\microsoft\\rac\\statedata\\racmetadata.dat|", 
        "2|2013-09-19 22:07:07.000000|c:\\programdata\\microsoft\\rac\\temp\\sql4475.tmp|", 
        "2|2013-09-19 22:07:07.000000|c:\\programdata\\microsoft\\rac\\temp\\sql4486.tmp|", 
        "2|2013-09-19 22:09:07.000000|c:\\programdata\\microsoft\\rac\\statedata\\racwmidatabookmarks.dat|", 
        "2|2013-09-19 22:09:07.000000|c:\\programdata\\microsoft\\rac\\publisheddata\\racwmidatabase.sdf|", 
        "4|2013-09-19 22:09:07.000000|c:\\programdata\\microsoft\\rac\\temp\\sql4486.tmp|", 
        "2|2013-09-19 22:09:07.000000|c:\\programdata\\microsoft\\rac\\statedata\\racdatabase.sdf|", 
        "4|2013-09-19 22:09:07.000000|c:\\programdata\\microsoft\\rac\\temp\\sql4475.tmp|"
  "hostname": "WIN-EP7RMLTCLAJ", 
  "modload_complete": [
        "2013-09-19 22:07:07.000000|517110bd83835338c037269e603db55d|c:\\windows\\system32\\taskhost.exe", 
        "2013-09-19 22:07:07.000000|3556d5a8bf2cc508bdab51dec38d7c61|c:\\windows\\system32\\ntdll.dll", 
        "2013-09-19 22:07:07.000000|7a6326d96d53048fdec542df23d875a0|c:\\windows\\system32\\kernel32.dll", 
        "2013-09-19 22:07:07.000000|9c75cb8b98610f0cd85d99bb5876308b|c:\\windows\\system32\\sqlcese30.dll", 
        "2013-09-19 22:07:07.000000|e5744d18c88737c6356d0a8d6d49d512|c:\\windows\\system32\\sqlceqp30.dll", 
        "2013-09-19 22:07:07.000000|021287c2050fd5db4a8b084e2c38139c|c:\\windows\\system32\\winsatapi.dll", 
        "2013-09-19 22:07:07.000000|f404e59db6a0f122ab26bf4f3e2fd0fa|c:\\windows\\system32\\dxgi.dll", 
        "2013-09-19 22:07:07.000000|da1b7075260f3872585bfcdd668c648b|c:\\windows\\system32\\dwmapi.dll", 
        "2013-09-19 22:07:07.000000|497bfeddaf3950dd909c3b0c5558a25d|c:\\windows\\winsxs\\amd64_microsoft.windows.gdiplus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.1.7601.17514_none_2b24536c71ed437a\\gdiplus.dll", 
        "2013-09-19 22:07:07.000000|5d8e6c95156ed1f79a63d1eade6f9ed5|c:\\windows\\system32\\setupapi.dll", 
        "2013-09-19 22:07:07.000000|2a86e54b441ad41557f75dc5609b9793|c:\\windows\\system32\\sspicli.dll", 
        "2013-09-19 22:07:07.000000|d6f630c1fd7f436316093ae500363b19|c:\\windows\\system32\\xmllite.dll"
  "path": "c:\\windows\\system32\\taskhost.exe", 
  "last_update": "2013-09-19T22:09:07Z", 
  "id": "2032659773721368929"
  "elapsed": 0.0126001834869


Process preview. Requires id and segment id.

Supports: GET

  • id: REQUIRED the internal CB process guid, the id field in search results
  • segment: REQUIRED the process segment, the segment_id field in search results.
  • query: OPTIONAL a process query string. If present, preview results will highlight matching terms

A process preview structure with the following fields:

  • process_md5: the MD5 of the executable backing this process
  • sensor_id: the sensor id of the host this process executed on
  • group: the sensor group the sensor was assigned to
  • process_name: the name of this process, e.g., svchost.exe
  • path: the full path of the executable backing this process, e.g., c:\windows\system32\svchost.exe
  • last_update: the time of the last event received from this process, as recorded by the remote host
  • start: the start time of this process, as recorded by the remote host
  • hostname: the hostname of the computer this process executed on
  • id: the internal CB process guid of this process
  • segment_id: the segment id of this process
  • regmod_complete: a pipe-delimited summary list of regmod strings (see spec above)
  • filemod_complete: a pipe-delimited summary list of filemod strings (see spec above)
  • modload_complete: a pipe-delimited summary list of modload strings (see spec above)
  • netconn_complete: a pipe-delimited summary list of netconn strings (see spec above)
  • childproc_complete: a pipe-delimited list of summary childproc strings (see spec above)
  • modload_count: the total count of modules loaded in this process
  • regmod_count: the total count of registry modifications in this process
  • filemod_count: the total count of file modifications in this process
  • netconn_count: total count of network connections in this process
  • childproc_count: the total count of child processes launched by this process

If a query string is provided, the endpoint will highlight all matching strings. Highlighted results will be surrounded with PREPREPRE and POSTPOSTPOST to designate the start and end of a matching substring.

Where the full process API endpoint will return all xxx_complete records in the process (possibly 10s of thousands), the preview endpoint will have 10s of events for this process.

A complete example:

  "parent_name": "", 
  "hostname": "J-8205A0C27A0C4", 
  "group": "Default Group", 
  "process_md5": "5e7f3968069d32b26af0d7af0ec5dd97", 
  "netconn_count": 1, 
  "process_name": "svchost.exe", 
  "last_update": "2013-10-07T15:07:09Z", 
  "cmdline": "\"c:\\docume~1\\admini~1\\locals~1\\temp\\rad17929.tmp\\svchost.exe\" ", 
  "start": "2013-10-07T15:07:09Z", 
  "sensor_id": 1, 
  "modload_count": 15, 
  "modload_complete": [
    "2013-10-07 15:07:09.000000|27d9ed8cb8b62d1e0a8e5ace6cf52e2f|c:\\PREPREPREwindowsPOSTPOSTPOST\\system32\\ntdll.dll", 
    "2013-10-07 15:07:09.000000|c24b983d211c34da8fcc1ac38477971d|c:\\PREPREPREwindowsPOSTPOSTPOST\\system32\\kernel32.dll", 
    "2013-10-07 15:07:09.000000|355edbb4d412b01f1740c17e3f50fa00|c:\\PREPREPREwindowsPOSTPOSTPOST\\system32\\msvcrt.dll", 
    "2013-10-07 15:07:09.000000|bab489a5fe26f2d0c910cf7af7e4cf92|c:\\PREPREPREwindowsPOSTPOSTPOST\\system32\\advapi32.dll", 
    "2013-10-07 15:07:09.000000|b979d9d1c8073da21a7f80345f306a1d|c:\\PREPREPREwindowsPOSTPOSTPOST\\system32\\rpcrt4.dll", 
    "2013-10-07 15:07:09.000000|7459c16cc3ef4651cab7c9260e43fc58|c:\\PREPREPREwindowsPOSTPOSTPOST\\system32\\secur32.dll", 
    "2013-10-07 15:07:09.000000|67156d5a9ac356dc99d7bccb388e3316|c:\\PREPREPREwindowsPOSTPOSTPOST\\system32\\wsock32.dll", 
    "2013-10-07 15:07:09.000000|2ccc474eb85ceaa3e1fa1726580a3e5a|c:\\PREPREPREwindowsPOSTPOSTPOST\\system32\\ws2_32.dll", 
    "2013-10-07 15:07:09.000000|9789e95e1d88eeb4b922bf3ea7779c28|c:\\PREPREPREwindowsPOSTPOSTPOST\\system32\\ws2help.dll", 
    "2013-10-07 15:07:09.000000|b4138e99236f0f57d4cf49bae98a0746|c:\\PREPREPREwindowsPOSTPOSTPOST\\system32\\mswsock.dll"
  "path": "c:\\documents and settings\\administrator\\local settings\\temp\\rad17929.tmp\\svchost.exe", 
  "regmod_count": 0, 
  "filemod_count": 0, 
  "segment": "", 
  "id": "7078511340675742078", 
  "unique_id": "623bec8f-8f8d-397e-0000-000000000001"


Binary search. Parameters passed as query string.

Supports:: GET

  • q: REQUIRED Query string. Accepts the same data as the search box on the Binary Search page. TODO: link to query syntax doc
  • rows: OPTIONAL Return this many rows, 10 by default.
  • start: OPTIONAL Start at this row, 0 by default.
  • sort: OPTIONAL Sort rows by this field and order. server_added_timestamp desc by default.
  • facets: OPTIONAL Return facet results. 'false' by default, set to 'true' for facets.

JSON object with the following elements:

  • results: a list of matching binaries (see below for binary object)
  • terms: a list of strings, each representing a token as parsed by the query parser
  • total_results: number of matching binaries
  • start: index of first row
  • elapsed: clock time elapsed resolving this request
  • highlights: a list of highlight objects matching the query string. Format the same as the process event object.
  • facets: a list of facet entries if requested. (see below for facet object)

Binary Object

A binary object contains the following fields:

  • md5: the md5 hash of this binary
  • server_added_timestamp: the first time this binary was received on the server in the server's GMT time
  • orig_mod_len: Filesize in bytes
  • copied_mod_len: Bytes copied from remote host, if file is > 25MB this will be less than orig_mod_len
  • observed_filename: The set of unique filenames this binary has been seen as
  • is_executable_image: 'true' or 'false' - 'true' if an EXE
  • is_64bit: 'true' or 'false' - 'true' if x64
  • product_version: If present, Product version from FileVersionInformation
  • product_name: If present, Product name from FileVersionInformation
  • file_Version: If present, File version from FileVersionInformation
  • company_name: If present, Company name from FileVersionInformation
  • internal_name: If present, Internal name from FileVersionInformation
  • product_name: If present, Product name from FileVersionInformation
  • legal_copyright: If present, Legal copyright from FileVersionInformation
  • legal_trademark: If present, Legal trademark from FileVersionInformation
  • file_desc: If present, File description from FileVersionInformation
  • original_filename: If present, Original filename from FileVersionInformation
  • private_build: If present, Private build from FileVersionInformation
  • special_build: If present, Special build from FileVersionInformation
  • signed: Digital signature status: One of Signed, Unsigned, Expired, Bad Signature, Invalid Signature, Invalid Chain, Untrusted Root, Explicit Distrust
  • digsig_result: Digital signature status: One of Signed, Unsigned, Expired, Bad Signature, Invalid Signature, Invalid Chain, Untrusted Root, Explicit Distrust
  • digsig_result_code: HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 for the result of the digital signature operation via WinVerifyTrust
  • digsig_sign_time: If signed, the timestamp of the signature in GMT
  • digsig_publisher: If signed and present, the publisher name
  • digsig_prog_name: If signed and present, the program name
  • digsig_issuer: If signed and present, the issuer name
  • digsig_subject: If signed and present, the subject
  • alliance_score_virustotal: If enabled and the hit count > 1, the number of VirusTotal hits for this md5

Facet object

The facet object is a list of dictionaries with the following keys. Each key is a list of facet results objects that contain the top 200 name, value and percentage for the unique set of results matching the search.

  • product_name_facet: the top unique product names for the binaries matching the search
  • file_version_facet: the top unique file versions for the binaries matching the search
  • alliance_score_virustotal: the distribution of VirusTotal scores for binaries matching the search
  • digsig_result: the distribution of signature status results for binaries matching the search
  • company_name_facet: the top unique company names for the binaries matching the search
  • digsig_publisher_facet: the top unique publisher names for the binaries matching the search
  • product_name_facet: the top unique company anmes for the binaries matching the search
  • digsig_sign_time: the distribution of signature times per month for the last 48 months for binaries matching the search
  • server_added_timestamp: the distribution of server_added_timestamps per day for the last 30 days
  • observed_filename_facet: the top unique observed filenames for the binaries matching the search

The facet result objects have the same format as the process facet result objects above.

A complete example:


  "total_results": 1, 
  "facets": {}, 
  "elapsed": 0.046832799911499023, 
  "start": 0,
  "results": [
      "md5": "F2C7BB8ACC97F92E987A2D4087D021B1", 
      "digsig_result": "Signed", 
      "observed_filename": [
      "product_version": "6.1.7600.16385", 
      "signed": "Signed", 
      "digsig_sign_time": "2009-07-14T10:17:00Z", 
      "orig_mod_len": 193536, 
      "is_executable_image": true, 
      "is_64bit": true, 
      "digsig_publisher": "Microsoft Corporation", 
      "file_version": "6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255)", 
      "company_name": "Microsoft Corporation", 
      "internal_name": "Notepad", 
      "product_name": "Microsoft\u00ae Windows\u00ae Operating System", 
      "digsig_result_code": "0", 
      "timestamp": "2013-08-16T11:26:48.321Z", 
      "copied_mod_len": 193536, 
      "server_added_timestamp": "2013-08-16T11:26:48.321Z", 
      "legal_copyright": "\u00a9 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.", 
      "original_filename": "NOTEPAD.EXE", 
      "file_desc": "Notepad"
  "terms": [
  "highlights": [
      "ids": [
      "name": "c:\\windows\\system32\\PREPREPREnotepad.exePOSTPOSTPOST", 
      "ids": [


Download the binary with this md5 hash.

Supports:: GET

  • md5: REQUIRED the md5 hash of the binary

A zipfile with the binary bytes and a text file with metadata.


Returns the icon for the binary with the provided md5

Supports:: GET

  • md5: REQUIRED the md5 of the binary

A PNG with the icon. If the icon is not found, it returns the default Windows icon.


Returns the metadata for the binary with the provided md5

Supports: GET

  • md5: REQUIRED the md5 of the binary

A structure with the following fields:

  • md5: the md5 hash of this binary
  • server_added_timestamp: the first time this binary was received on the server in the server's GMT time
  • orig_mod_len: Filesize in bytes
  • copied_mod_len: Bytes copied from remote host, if file is > 25MB this will be less than orig_mod_len
  • observed_filename: A list of strings, one per unique filename this binary has been seen as
  • is_executable_image: 'true' or 'false' - 'true' if an EXE
  • is_64bit: 'true' or 'false' - 'true' if x64
  • product_version: If present, Product version from FileVersionInformation
  • product_name: If present, Product name from FileVersionInformation
  • file_Version: If present, File version from FileVersionInformation
  • company_name: If present, Company name from FileVersionInformation
  • internal_name: If present, Internal name from FileVersionInformation
  • product_name: If present, Product name from FileVersionInformation
  • legal_copyright: If present, Legal copyright from FileVersionInformation
  • legal_trademark: If present, Legal trademark from FileVersionInformation
  • file_desc: If present, File description from FileVersionInformation
  • original_filename: If present, Original filename from FileVersionInformation
  • private_build: If present, Private build from FileVersionInformation
  • special_build: If present, Special build from FileVersionInformation
  • signed: Digital signature status: One of Signed, Unsigned, Expired, Bad Signature, Invalid Signature, Invalid Chain, Untrusted Root, Explicit Distrust
  • digsig_result: Digital signature status: One of Signed, Unsigned, Expired, Bad Signature, Invalid Signature, Invalid Chain, Untrusted Root, Explicit Distrust
  • digsig_result_code: HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 for the result of the digital signature operation via WinVerifyTrust
  • digsig_sign_time: If signed, the timestamp of the signature in GMT
  • digsig_publisher: If signed and present, the publisher name
  • digsig_prog_name: If signed and present, the program name
  • digsig_issuer: If signed and present, the issuer name
  • digsig_subject: If signed and present, the subject
  • alliance_score_virustotal: If enabled and the hit count > 1, the number of VirusTotal hits for this md5

A complete example:


  "product_version_facet": "8.00.7600.16385", 
  "digsig_result": "Signed", 
  "observed_filename": [
  "product_version": "8.00.7600.16385", 
  "product_name_facet": "Windows\u00ae Internet Explorer", 
  "signed": "Signed", 
  "digsig_sign_time": "2010-11-21T03:36:00Z", 
  "orig_mod_len": 8988160, 
  "is_executable_image": false, 
  "is_64bit": true, 
  "observed_filename_facet": [
  "file_version_facet": "8.00.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255)", 
  "digsig_publisher": "Microsoft Corporation", 
  "file_version": "8.00.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255)", 
  "company_name": "Microsoft Corporation", 
  "internal_name": "MSHTML", 
  "_version_": 1446430562211332096, 
  "product_name": "Windows\u00ae Internet Explorer", 
  "digsig_result_code": "0", 
  "timestamp": "2013-09-17T13:14:37.636Z", 
  "company_name_facet": "Microsoft Corporation", 
  "copied_mod_len": 8988160, 
  "server_added_timestamp": "2013-09-17T13:14:37.636Z", 
  "md5": "1C8B787BAA52DEAD1A6FEC1502D652F0", 
  "legal_copyright": "\u00a9 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.", 
  "digsig_publisher_facet": "Microsoft Corporation", 
  "original_filename": "MSHTML.DLL.MUI", 
  "file_desc": "Microsoft (R) HTML Viewer"


License status and application

Supports: 'GET', 'POST'

  • Carbon Black-provided license (POST)
  • A GET returns the current license status, as defined below:

A license status dictionary has the following structure:

  • license_valid: boolean indication as to if the licence is valid. A valid license may be expired or unexpired.
  • license_end_date: YYYY-MM-DD date on which the license expires
  • licensed_sensor_count: number of sensors that can be used with this server while staying compliant with license.
  • server_token: unique identifier for this particular server instance
  • license_expired: boolean indicator as to if the license is expired
  • licensed_sensor_count_exceeded: boolean indicator as to if the server is currently servicing more sensors than it is licensed for
  • actual_sensor_count: count of sensors serviced during previous day (midnight to midnight)
  • license_request_block: an opaque request block to be provided to Carbon Black for license renewal


Watchlist enumeration, creation, modification, and deletion

Supports: 'GET', 'PUT', 'POST', 'DELETE'

  • id: OPTIONAL the watchlist id
  • With no id parameter (GET /api/v1/watchlist) returns a list of watchlists, with each list entry describing one watchlist
  • With an id parameter (GET /api/v1/watchlist/3) returns the watchlist record for the matching id
  • With no id parameter (POST /api/v1/watchlist) returns the watchlist record for the newly created watchlist
  • With an id parameter (PUT /api/v1/watchlist/3) returns the watchlist record for the newly updated watchlist

A watchlist record has the following structure:

  • id: the id of this watchlist
  • alliance_id: the id of this watchlist on the Carbon Black Alliance server; this value is internal to Carbon Black
  • from_alliance: boolean indication as to if this watchlist was provided by the Carbon Black Alliance Server
  • date_added: the date this watchlist was created on this Enterprise Server
  • index_type: the type of watchlist. Valid values are 'modules' and 'events' for binary and process watchlists, respectively
  • last_hit: timestamp of the last time this watchlist triggered a match
  • last_hit_count: count of lifetime watchlist matches
  • name: name of this watchlist
  • search_query: the raw Carbon Black query that this watchlist matches

A complete example:


 u'alliance_id': None,
 u'date_added': u'2013-12-11 11:36:38.476886-08:00',
 u'from_alliance': False,
 u'id': 4,
 u'index_type': u'modules',
 u'last_hit': u'2013-12-11 15:05:04.964374-08:00',
 u'last_hit_count': 22,
 u'name': u'Newly Loaded Modules',
 u'search_query': u'q=is_executable_image%3Afalse&cb.urlver=1&sort=server_added_timestamp%20desc'


Sensor / remote client details

Supports: GET for all variations, PUT for /api/v1/sensor/(id) to update event_log_flush_time

  • id: OPTIONAL the sensor id
  • hostname: OPTIONAL returns the sensor record(s) with matching hostname
  • ipaddr: OPTIONAL returns the sensor record(s) with specified IP address
  • With no parameters (GET /api/v1/sensor/) returns a list of sensor structures, one per registered sensor.
  • With a sensor id, (GET /api/v1/sensor/12) returns a sensor structure for the specified sensor.
  • With a query string, (GET /api/v1/sensor?hostname=foo) returns a list of all sensors matching criteria

Sensor query strings are case-sensitive substring searches, for both hostname and ip fields. If both hostname and ip fields are specified, only ip is used.

A sensor structure has the following fields:

  • id: this sensor's id
  • build_id: the sensor version installed on this endpoint. From the /api/builds/ endpoint
  • build_version_string: Human-readable string of the host's installed sensor version
  • uptime: Host's uptime in seconds
  • systemvolume_total_size: size in bytes of the computer's system volumn
  • systemvolume_free_size: bytes free on the system volume
  • os_environment_display_string: Human-readable string of the installed OS
  • os_environment_id: the operating system installed on this computer. From the internal table.
  • physical_memory_size: size in bytes of physical memory
  • computer_dns_name: this computer's DNS name
  • computer_name: NetBIOS name of this computer
  • sensor_health_message: Human-readable string indicating sensor's self-reported status
  • computer_sid: Machine SID of this host
  • event_log_flush_time: See below.
  • last_checkin_time: Last communication with this computer in server-local time and zone
  • network_adapters: A pipe-delimited list list of IP,MAC pairs for each network interface
  • sensor_health_status: sensor's self-reported health score, from 0 to 100. Higher numbers better
  • registration_time: Time this sensor originally registered in server-local time and zone
  • next_checkin_time: Next expected communication from this computer in server-local time and zone
  • boot_id: A sequential counter of boots since the sensor was installed
  • group_id: The sensor group id this sensor is assigned to
  • display: Deprecated
  • uninstall: when set, indicates sensor will be directed to uninstall on next checkin
  • cookie: cb internal

If event_log_flush_time is set, the server will instruct the sensor to immediately send all data before this date, ignoring all other throttling mechansims. To force a host current, set this value to a value far in the future. When the sensor has finished sending it's queued data, this value will be null.

A complete example:


  "systemvolume_total_size": "42939584512", 
  "os_environment_display_string": "Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3", 
  "sensor_uptime": "638", 
  "physical_memory_size": "536330240", 
  "build_id": 1, 
  "uptime": "666", 
  "computer_dns_name": "j-8205a0c27a0c4", 
  "id": 1, 
  "systemvolume_free_size": "40167079936", 
  "sensor_health_message": "Healthy", 
  "build_version_string": "", 
  "computer_sid": "S-1-5-21-1715567821-507921405-682003330", 
  "event_log_flush_time": null, 
  "computer_name": "J-8205A0C27A0C4", 
  "last_checkin_time": "2013-09-10 07:08:37.378860-07:00", 
  "license_expiration": "1990-01-01 00:00:00-08:00", 
  "network_adapters": ",000c298a3613|", 
  "sensor_health_status": 100, 
  "registration_time": "2013-09-10 06:49:21.261157-07:00", 
  "next_checkin_time": "2013-09-10 07:09:07.368285-07:00", 
  "notes": null, 
  "os_environment_id": 1, 
  "boot_id": "5", 
  "cookie": 1291426991, 
  "group_id": 1, 
  "display": true, 
  "uninstall": false

    "systemvolume_total_size": "42939584512", 
    "os_environment_display_string": "Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3", 
    "sensor_uptime": "480763", 
    "physical_memory_size": "536330240", 
    "build_id": 1, 
    "uptime": "480862", 
    "event_log_flush_time": null, 
    "computer_dns_name": "j-8205a0c27a0c4", 
    "id": 1, 
    "power_state": 0, 
    "uninstalled": null, 
    "systemvolume_free_size": "40083230720", 
    "status": "Online", 
    "num_eventlog_bytes": "22717", 
    "sensor_health_message": "Healthy", 
    "build_version_string": "", 
    "computer_sid": "S-1-5-21-1715567821-507921405-682003330", 
    "next_checkin_time": "2013-10-07 07:54:36.909657-07:00", 
    "node_id": 0, 
    "cookie": 556463980, 
    "computer_name": "J-8205A0C27A0C4", 
    "license_expiration": "1990-01-01 00:00:00-08:00", 
    "network_adapters": ",000c298a3613|", 
    "sensor_health_status": 100, 
    "registration_time": "2013-02-04 06:40:04.632053-08:00", 
    "restart_queued": false, 
    "notes": null, 
    "num_storefiles_bytes": "446464", 
    "os_environment_id": 1, 
    "boot_id": "8", 
    "last_checkin_time": "2013-10-07 07:54:06.919446-07:00", 
    "group_id": 1, 
    "display": true, 
    "uninstall": false