A tool to collect time cost for requests, waiting for HTML back, rendering page and etc., also it can export performance testing reports to HTML & pdf easily.
npm -i time-using-middleware -g
node index.js
logs below when it's recording timecost
[testDemoPage] Collected Log Records: 1
GET /test?performance-testing 200 147.827 ms - 168
GET /style.css 304 0.551 ms - -
GET /index.js 304 0.966 ms - -
POST /tu/finish 200 0.892 ms - 12
[testDemoPage] Collected Log Records: 2
GET /test?performance-testing 200 396.481 ms - 168
GET /style.css 304 0.617 ms - -
GET /index.js 304 0.801 ms - -
POST /tu/finish 200 0.961 ms - 12
[testDemoPage] Collected Log Records: 3
GET /test?performance-testing - - ms - -
timeUsing -i ./log/timeUsing/ -c ./timeUsing.json -f html,pdf
Time Using Middleware by Staydan.com
30ms - analyzing log data finished...
contain pages counts: 2
Analyzing For [ timeUsingTestPage ]
validSampleCounts: 1156
42ms - assembling data...
samples counts for PAGE [ timeUsingTestPage ] : 1156 / 1156 (valid / sum)
Analyzing For [ testDemoPage ]
validSampleCounts: 7159
109ms - assembling data...
samples counts for PAGE [ testDemoPage ] : 7159 / 7159 (valid / sum)
6ms - preparing the table data...
------- Performance Testing Results -------
Page : timeUsingTestPage
| | Sample Count | average(ms) | median(ms) | min(ms) | max(ms) |
| :-------------- | :----------: | :---------: | :--------: | :-----: | :-----: |
| Test API | 1156 | 1026.1 | 1039.5 | 7 | 2489 |
| Node All API(n) | 1156 | 1026.4 | 1039.5 | 8 | 2502 |
| FirstScreen Dom | 1156 | 1060.3 | 1072.5 | 37 | 2585 |
0ms - finish render data
4ms - preparing the table data...
------- Performance Testing Results -------
Page : testDemoPage
| | Sample Count | average(ms) | median(ms) | min(ms) | max(ms) |
| :-------------- | :----------: | :---------: | :--------: | :-----: | :-----: |
| Test API | 7159 | 992.2 | 985 | 2 | 2514 |
| Node All API(n) | 7159 | 992.3 | 986 | 2 | 2522 |
| FirstScreen Dom | 7159 | 1025.8 | 1011 | 20 | 2738 |
1ms - finish render data
Exporting file in HTML finished
Time Using Middleware by Staydan.com
Collect Data & Analyze Logs & Export Reports
- Export Table Reports using Command Line window in Markdown format
- Recording the data of each page session
- Record pages by Regex Expression filters defined in Options
- Complete the page collect session until it recieve the COMPLETE signal by timeUsingMiddlewareCollectFinish
- Support those Pages which are consist of by both Nodejs side render and Front-end JS work. The cookie
can tracking all of them - All the time attributes are defined by Developers(You)