
This is my ansible mac setup script

Primary LanguageVim Script

Mac setup

I use this ansible script to fully provision my development machine.

####Prerequisites I tried to minimize the manual steps as much as I could. These still remain...

  • Install Xcode from the Apple store and accept TOS
  • git clone https://github.com/DanielZwijnenburg/Mac-setup.git ~/.ansible
  • cd ~/.ansible && ./runner.sh

#####Installed Software Alot of software will be installed and configured.

Brew packages

  • ansible
  • autojump
  • automake
  • brew-cask
  • cloc
  • coreutils
  • ctags
  • curl
  • exiftool
  • findutils
  • git
  • git-extras
  • gnu-tar
  • gpg
  • htop-osx
  • imagemagick
  • openssl
  • qt
  • reattach-to-user-namespace
  • the_silver_searcher
  • tig
  • tmate
  • tmux
  • v8
  • vim
  • wget

Brew casks

  • backblaze
  • caffeine
  • dropbox
  • flux
  • font-inconsolata
  • gitx
  • google-chrome
  • google-drive
  • imageoptim
  • iterm2
  • licecap
  • name-mangler
  • panic-unison
  • pgadmin3
  • plex-home-theater
  • plex-media-server
  • spotify
  • steam
  • vagrant
  • vagrant-manager
  • virtualbox
  • vlc


  • Ruby 2.1.5


  • Postgresql

iTerm2 config

  • Create new or attach to existing tmux session on startup
  • Import and configure Solarized color scheme
  • Set Solarized Light as default color scheme

Mac config, Inspired by https://github.com/mathiasbynens/dotfiles/blob/master/.osx

  • ~/Sites directory
  • Disable quarantine window
  • Check for updates everyday
  • Hot Corners
    • Mission Control
    • Show Desktop
    • Application Windows
    • Start Screensaver
  • Disable press and hold
  • Fast key repeat
  • Trackpad
    • Normal scrolling
    • Right click
  • Keyboard
    • Zoom with control modifier
    • Enable tab in modal windows
  • Apple Mail
    • Normal copy of e-mail addresses
  • Chrome
    • Enable user scripts via Github & Userscripts
  • Finder
    • Expand save panel by default
    • Expand print panel by default
    • Default finder location to ~/Downloads
    • Search from current folder