
Old C# project, inactive since 26/12/2005. Straight from Sourceforge (https://sourceforge.net/projects/eant/), was used by tens of thousands users. Imported in GitHub for reference. Commit history not preserved.

Primary LanguageC#


Old project, inactive since 26/12/2005.

Straight from Sourceforge, was used by tens of thousands users. Imported in GitHub for reference with a bit of nostalgy. Commit history not preserved.

The old description from the project page on Sourceforge:

eAnt is a P2P App written in C# (currently only for .NET Framework, but soon also for Mono) for files exchange. eAnt uses the same network used by eD2k/eMule clients. Inactive since 26/12/2005. Rest in peace eAnt.


It was a fork of lphant. When the team behind lphant decided to close the source code of their client (and started shipping spyware and other nasty things in it) I decided to fork the latest open source release, and eAnt was born. I decided to stop working on it, among the other things, for lack of time.